For optimized logistics

The mobile crushing plants from KLEEMANN regulate even inhomogeneous material streams within the plant automatically. Nevertheless, machine operators still have a strong influence on the final product quality and the daily output. They control the input with their bucket excavators and wheel loaders, – i.e. the loading of stone or recycling material. Users also play the main role with regard to output: They coordinate the final products by means of building up stockpiles, intermediate storage areas and loading. They will support the new MOBIBELT stockpile conveyors in future. They extend the operating range of the crushing and screening plants, make larger stockpiles possible and improve construction site logistics.
New stockpile conveyor
The MOBIBELT has a crawler chassis and a belt length of 20 m. With its KLEEMANN offers a further stockpile conveyor with crawler chassis and a length of 24 m. The has a wheeled chassis and a 15-m long conveyor belt.
MOBIBELTHow MOBIBELT stockpile conveyors optimize construction site logistics