A constant supply of mix is essential for producing a level, high-quality pavement. That's why VÖGELE developed the PaveDock Assistant for its “Dash 3” generation of pavers. This exceedingly efficient system greatly facilitates communication between the paver operator and the driver of the feed vehicle, and it ensures that the mix is supplied to the paver safely and without jolts. Used in combination with the PaveDock push-rollers, PaveDock Assistant contributes greatly to process safety during the transfer of mix.
Signal lights on the paver and the associated controls on the paver operator’s ErgoPlus 3 console are key components of the PaveDock Assistant. The paver has two sets of signal lights, mounted on the left and right of the hardtop. The paver operator can use these lights to give give the driver of the feed vehicle unmistakable signals to indicate what needs to be done (e.g. reverse, stop, dump mix, etc.). Having two lights, each in an elevated position, ensures that all signals are clearly visible to the feed vehicle driver from all angles of approach.
VÖGELE supplies the innovative sprung PaveDock push-rollers as a supplement to the PaveDock Assistant. The particularly sturdy system efficiently absorbs jolts from the feed vehicle while docking onto the paver so that impacts are not transmitted to the material being placed. Together with the PaveDock Assistant, the sprung push-rollers maximize process safety during transfer of the mix:
A sensor installed in the sprung push-rollers signals to PaveDock whenever a feed vehicle has docked onto the paver. The signal lights display the stop signal automatically and directly. The feed vehicle driver can thus react immediately. The interaction of PaveDock Assistant and the new sprung push-rollers thus results in a safe material transfer free from jolts.