Round-shank picks and cutting tools

Round-shank picks play a decisive role in WIRTGEN cutting technology.
During the milling process they break up the pavement and granulate it into small pieces of reusable material. Here, the varying conditions and stresses of everyday work on the construction site demand and promote the continuous further development of cutting tools.
The design of round-shank picks varies from type to type, depending on the intended area of use and/or application. The components and their functions, however, remain identical.
GENERATION X² round-shank picks are the all-rounders in the portfolio of round-shank picks for cold milling.PCD milling tools are the ideal choice for surface layer rehabilitation and (micro) fine milling.
> Cutting tools for cold milling machinesGENERATION Z² round-shank picks are the all-rounders in the portfolio of round-shank picks for cold recycling and soil stabilisation. WCC PLUS Milling tools are used in the stabilisation of cohesive soils.
> Cutting tools for recyclersChoosing the right cutting tool is decisive for assuring good cutting performance and long service life of the cutting tool itself.
> Cutting tools for Surface Miners