Milling and mixing rotors for cold recyclers and soil stabilizers

Challenging operating conditions such as the powerful cold recy-cling, granulation or stabilization of coarse-grained soils make ex-treme demands on the cutting tools. This calls for perfectly matched components designed to meet the highest performance requirements. They can be relied on to provide high milling and mixing performance while ensuring maximum resistance and durability at the same time.
The original WIRTGEN DURAFORCE milling and mixing rotor im-presses with extreme wear resistance, impact strength and frac-ture strength for all applications in soil stabilization and cold recycling: a single rotor catering to all requirements.
Soil stabilization, which is in use around the globe, represents the ideal solution for converting subsoils of insufficient bearing capacity into soils suitable for placing and compacting. In the process, a wide variety of different types of soils need to be processed which may be highly cohesive, abrasive or even interspersed with coarse-grained rock.
The tried-and-tested WIRTGEN DURAFORCE milling and mixing rotor meets every challenge in soil stabilization and is the ideal candidate to convert even the most difficult soils into construction materials of superior quality.
Cold recycling and granulation are also internationally established construction processes. Distressed asphalt pavements comprising the most diverse types of rock and the underlying gravel layer are milled, usually mixed with added binders to produce a homogeneous material and then placed again in an in-situ process.
The DURAFORCE milling and mixing rotor also handles the specific requirements of cold recycling. Users benefit from maximum performance, an extended service life and highest quality of the new base layers.
WIRTGEN offers high-performance cutting systems from a single source. From a single source means perfectly matched components and consistently impeccable quality. The DURAFORCE milling and mixing rotors combine expertise gained in many decades with mature manufacturing methods and forward-thinking technologies. Field experience and customer feedback are important factors feeding directly into the process.
Click here to download the brochure on the DURAFORCE milling and mixing rotor.