The WIRTGEN BSM Laboratory Manual

The WIRTGEN laboratory equipment comprising the
enables the quick and easy manufacture of mixes and test specimens to verify their suitability for the intended use. In addition, this equipment enables a comparison to be made between different types of bitumen as well as determining the optimum bitumen addition to achieve maximum durability and fitness for purpose.
An essential characteristic of suitability testing is that it is performed prior to construction. Tests performed during construction serve the purpose of process control. The WIRTGEN BSM Laboratory Manual teaches the correct, real-life approach to suitability testing and process control procedures for recycling road construction materials with foamed bitumen.
The WIRTGEN BSM Laboratory Manual is a practical reference work for customers, users and interested third parties. It is available in 4 languages: English (American), English (British), Portuguese (Brazilian) and Russian.
Read the excerpt for a taster.
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