Tablet with Smart Doc app open. Various Hamm rollers can be seen in the background on a country road.

Digital solutions from Hamm – Better process reliability and quality in road construction

Construction companies today face a challenge in trying to find staff qualified to operate construction machinery, though modern technologies such as Smart Compact or Smart Doc also open up some fantastic opportunities for them. Both digital products make it far easier to get started in the industry by simplifying complex work processes and, therefore, ensuring a high standard of quality.

Smart Doc and Smart Compact reduce the need for in-depth prior knowledge and extensive experience. It allows new starters and those making career changes to quickly reach a productive level. This makes the job of construction vehicle operator more appealing, especially to younger generations who wish to work in a digital environment and bring with them the relevant prior knowledge from their own personal use of technology. This means construction companies can use these apps to better close the gaps in qualified workforce while also capitalizing on the benefits of digitalization. To demonstrate what that looks like in practice, we look at two real-life examples in the German towns of Grafenkirchen and Geiersthal.

A middle-aged man looks to the left with a happy expression. A blurred image of a Hamm roller can be seen in the background on a country road.

“Our standards are high! We want our work to be error-free. Smart Compact represents both a development and an opportunity for us to keep laying asphalt at a high standard.”

Walter Emperhoff, Head of Department and Authorized Representative for Underground Mining at Guggenberger GmbH

Smart Compact at a glance

View over the shoulder of a roller driver, with the roller controls visible alongside a tablet displaying the Smart Compact app.

Automatic compaction with Smart Compact delivers homogeneous compaction results, reduces the risk of surface damage and effectively prevents over-compaction.

A tandem roller drives from right to left along a country road, compacting asphalt.

Smart Compact controls the compaction force and modes in both drums of the tandem rollers in the HX series on the basis of physical material data, such as asphalt temperature or rigidity value. Also of particular importance for the automatic control, however, is the complex cooling behavior of the asphalt, which is also factored in by Smart Compact.

A tablet with the Smart Compact assistance system open on screen.

Fewer double passes means lower CO₂ emissions and fuel consumption – another benefit of Smart Compact.

Smart Doc at a glance

Over-the-shoulder view in the roller cab, showing a tablet with the Smart Doc app open.

With its Smart Doc app, Hamm provides a modern solution for comprehensive compaction control and documentation, as well as transparent self-monitoring.

A display showing the compaction status in different colors as well as the surface being compacted.

Everything in view, everything in real time: The compaction status together with position data provides insights into the user’s own work progress as well as that of other machines.

Operator generating a compaction report using a tablet.

Upon completion of the final double pass, the operator can create a compaction report in just a few steps then send this to the site office.

A middle-aged man looks to the right, smiling contentedly.

“Operators can use Smart Doc to view not only their own work step, but also the work steps of the other machines. That way, everyone knows where others have already driven over and where still needs to be compacted.”

Thomas Weber, Road Product Sales, Wirtgen Group Germany

Using Smart Doc in the paving of low-temperature asphalt in Grafenkirchen

What makes the construction site on the main road between Schöntal and Grafenkirchen in Bavaria different is the use of low-temperature asphalt here. The lower aerosol levels are not only better for the environment, they are also better for the employees working on site for GEORG HUBER Inh. Josef Rappl GmbH. But the low-temperature material is not without its challenges for all those involved: The time frame for paving is shorter due to the asphalt curing faster than other types. Local sales employee Thomas Weber explains:

“To overcome this challenge, you firstly need machines capable of managing the compaction perfectly in short phases, and you secondly need the means and the manpower to make optimal use of these machines. This is why I recommend Smart Doc for construction measures involving low-temperature materials. The system facilitates communication between the machines. The main benefit: Operators can view not only their own work step, but also the work steps of the other machines. That way, everyone knows where others have already driven over and where still needs to be compacted.”

Smart Doc and Smart Compact in action in Bodenmais

In Bodenmais, Germany, construction company Guggenberger is faced with the challenge of paving a total stretch of 3,500 meters in the relatively short time frame of four working days. Since the stretch of road has to be completely closed, it is vital that work is finished quickly, so as to minimize disruption to public transport and residents. Walter Emperhoff, Head of Department and Authorized Representative for Underground Mining at Guggenberger GmbH, explains how his company overcame the challenge:

“We decided to upgrade our fleet of vehicles and equipment so that we could lay the base course in just two days and then lay the surface course in a further two days. We used the new digital systems for the HX series from Hamm for this. We are confident this will enable us to pave faster, more effectively and reliably and will guarantee we achieve the required compaction values. That way, we will minimize economic losses and, at the same time, know that we are providing high-quality work to our clients.”

Documentation is a must

More and more clients now request documentation recording the compaction control and temperature development during paving. Walter Emperhoff speaks from experience:

“The number of clients asking for this is still manageable for us at the moment. But even so, we can see that it would be hugely beneficial to have this technology in permanent use in our company. It is our means of self-monitoring and quality control. Our standards are high! We want our work to be error-free and the digital solutions from Hamm represent both a development and an opportunity for us to keep laying asphalt at a high standard.”

Compacting with Smart Compact produces high-quality and homogeneous compaction results, irrespective of the roller driver’s experience.

The future is digital

Walter Emperhoff confirms: “By expanding our compaction management through the use of digital solutions from Hamm, we will be able to meet not only today's requirements, but future requirements, too. The mixes used are becoming more and more complex and increasingly difficult to lay. This makes it all the more important that our employees have a set of tools to hand that can show them that the carriageway, the asphalt surface course and the asphalt are well and sufficiently compacted so that quality standards are met.”

Thomas Weber sums it up: “No road turns a blind eye to digitalization. And, what’s more: Young employees, who are now getting behind the wheel of these machines, are hugely familiar with smartphones, tablets and these entire systems and know their way around them.”

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