WITOS Paving Docu supports asphalt paving on the 230 ft high Aftetal bridge in Bad Wünnenberg/Sauerland.

Asphalt paving in Bad Wünnenberg with WITOS Paving Docu

Digital solution assures quality on the Aftetal bridge near Bad Wünnenberg at a height of 230 ft

The Jobsite Temp app is part of the WITOS Paving Docu digital documentation tool. Used in conjunction with the RoadScan non-contacting temperature measurement system, it allows paving crews to easily monitor asphalt temperatures in real time. The benefits of this were demonstrated on a bridge job site near Bad Wünnenberg in Germany.

Bad Wünnenberg | Germany

Smooth, efficient operation is key when it comes to paving asphalt on bridges or in exposed terrain. Why? At height, the wind blows harder and the mix cools down faster. So the time window for paving and compaction is tight. Those were the conditions faced when building a new section of the B 480 federal road across the Aftetal valley in the Sauerland region of Germany. The job site team used the WITOS Paving Docu digital documentation tool, including the RoadScan non-contacting temperature measurement system and the Jobsite Temp app, to make sure the mix was processed at the correct paving temperature.

Tolles Produkt

WITOS Paving Docu enables assured paving on 230 ft high bridge

Check out the video to see how Vögele's machinery and digital solutions work smoothly together.

New Aftetal bridge provides traffic relief for Bad Wünnenberg

It's more than just a bypass for Bad Wünnenberg, in the Sauerland region of Westphalia: The B 480 federal road will in future cut across the Aftetal valley rather than running through the town. At the heart of the construction project is the almost 230 feet high and 860 yard long Aftetal bridge.

The asphalt paving posed a number of challenges.

Due to the height and the exposed location, there was a constant wind blowing, even in good weather, which caused the paving material to cool rapidly. Despite this, the asphalt had to be processed to the highest quality standards. The crew working for contractor Franz Trippe GmbH was required to pave the mix at the specified temperature, and document compliance with the specifications for the client.

Vögele digital technologies make quality measurable

To meet the requirements, the paving team led by CEO Stefan Trippe relied on digital solutions from Vögele:

WITOS Paving Docu, including the RoadScan non-contacting temperature measurement system, together with the Jobsite Temp app. WITOS Paving Docu enables job and machine data to be recorded on a smartphone and analyzed at the end of the day. In combination with the RoadScan non-contacting temperature measurement system, contractors can additionally document and analyze paving temperatures. Current temperature data is displayed on the operator's control console while working.

The Jobsite Temp app also gives foremen and other users real-time access to temperature data and additional information on a smartphone. It includes the current pave speeds, the screed width, the paver's positioning, and the location of the mix transfer, as well as delivery note information.

"WITOS Paving Docu and Jobsite Temp allowed us to continuously monitor the temperatures on a smartphone, identify the ideal compaction window, respond with countermeasures as necessary, and document all paving-related processes quickly and accurately in paperless form," comments CEO Stefan Trippe.

"WITOS Paving Docu, in combination with RoadScan, allows us to monitor the paving temperature in difficult weather conditions."

Stefan Trippe, CEO of Franz Trippe GmbH

WITOS Paving Docu supports asphalt paving on the 230 ft high Aftetal bridge in Bad Wünnenberg/Sauerland.

Document asphalt job sites digitally: WITOS Paving Docu

WITOS Paving Docu is a reliable and straightforward solution for the digital documentation and analysis of job sites. It is the ideal tool in cases where precise data recording is required, but where there is no need for active process optimization.

WITOS Paving Docu is part of WITOS Paving, Vögele's digital product family. Alongside WITOS Paving Docu and its two modules, JobSite and Analysis, there is also WITOS Paving Plus, a full version of the software-based process management solution.

Find out more about WITOS Paving here
The machines are key too

Vögele's state-of-the-art machinery also assisted the paving team: The SUPER 1800-3i paver was equipped with an AB 500 TP1 extending screed. The TP1 version indicates fitting with tamper bar and pressure bar. In this high-compaction variant, the paving screed provides a high degree of precompaction, which reduced the number of rolling passes needed on the bridge.

The use of a Vögele MT 3000-3i Offset high-performance mobile feeder decoupled the material transfer from the truck to the paver and made the job site logistics smoother and faster.

"The machine technology allowed us to run our processes smoothly and efficiently, prevent the material from cooling down, and create the conditions to achieve high paving quality," says Stefan Trippe.

Vögele’s RoadScan non-contacting temperature-measurement system is an innovative and economic solution for the road construction industry.

Vögele RoadScan: An eye on quality

Vögele's RoadScan is all about making quality measurable. The non-contacting temperature measurement system monitors asphalt temperatures immediately after paving, helping to assure the quality and durability of roads.

Find out more about RoadScan

Find out more about RoadScan

You can find details and more information on our product pages.