Top Quality, Mined Layer-by-Layer with the 280 SMi
KKT uses the Surface Miner to strip off the overburden and selectively extract the oil shale. Several meters of overburden must first be stripped off to expose the oil shale horizon. For this, KKT uses the side casting method; the 280 SMi removes the cut material and deposits it precisely by means of a high-performance, height-adjustable rear discharge conveyor that can be slewed to either side. The material cut from several adjacent strips is deposited in a windrow. The advantage of side casting is that extraction is separate from loading and transport, which simplifies material loading for wheel loaders and excavators and makes the whole process considerably more economical than other methods such as cut-to-ground. This keeps the Surface Miner running at optimal efficiency and eliminates the idle times that otherwise result from having to wait for dump trucks.
Here, the ratio of oil shale to limestone deposits is 1:3. It is therefore critical to have a machine that can handle materials of different hardnesses. In oil shale layers with a hardness of up to 60 MPa the 280 SMi achieves feed rates of up to 15 m/min at close to full cutting depth, which makes it a major league player when it comes to production performance.
The limestone in Kiviõli has a hardness of between 60 MPa UCS and 120 MPa UCS and can be very difficult to cut. Despite this, the 280 SMi continues to work reliably layer-by-layer, cutting away the limestone at the required production rate. The pre-broken limestone is easier to handle during recultivation measures. Rather than having to carry out the laborious process of post-crushing large chunks of rock, as is necessary after drilling or blasting, the cut material can be very easily processed to achieve a form suitable for further use.