WITOS Agreements

Informativa sulla privacy per WITOS Paving Transport

Informativa sulla privacy – WITOS Paving Transport (PDF)

Responsabile & Incaricato del trattamento dei dati

Il responsabile è la ditta

JOSEPH VÖGELE AG (“Vögele”, “Noi”)
Joseph-Vögele-Str. 1, D-67075 Ludwigshafen
Tel.: +49 621 / 81 05 0
Fax: +49 621 / 81 05 469
e-mail: mail@voegele.info

Compilando il seguente modulo, puoi esercitare i tuoi diritti in qualsiasi momento: richiedi di esercitare i diritti dell'interessato

Potete anche rivolgervi al nostro incaricato del trattamento dei dati in qualsiasi momento Inviando una email al seguente indirizzo: datenschutz@voegele.info


Le presente informativa sulla protezione dei dati personali spiega quali dati vengono acquisiti da noi tramite la app WITOS Paving Transport, in che modo essi vengono utilizzati e trasferiti e quali sono i vostri diritti riguardanti l’uso di WITOS Paving Transport. I vostri dati personali vengono trattati in modo riservato e conformemente alle normative sulla protezione dei dati e alla presente informativa sulla riservatezza.

Vi preghiamo di osservare che, se utilizzate i nostri prodotti come utenti finali (ad esempio come dipendenti o conducenti) per uno dei nostri clienti o i loro subappaltatori (“la vostra azienda”), oltre a noi sarà responsabile del trattamento dei dati di WITOS Paving anche la vostra azienda.

Noi raccogliamo, archiviamo e trattiamo i vostri dati personali unicamente nella misura necessaria per erogare le nostre prestazioni contrattuali per la vostra azienda, che ci assicura una sufficiente base giuridica per contratto.

Informazioni raccolte da WITOS Paving Transport

WITOS Paving Transport raccoglie informazioni che permettono di identificarvi indirettamente.

Dati della motrice e della commessa WITOS Paving

  • La targa dell’automezzo (motrice)
  • Il numero di commessa WITOS Paving

Vögele raccoglie i dati della targa automobilistica dell’autocarro e del numero di commessa WITOS Paving per poter abbinare la vostra fornitura alla rispettiva commessa di stesa dei conglomerati bituminosi.


  • Dati sulla posizione del dispositivo mobile

Vögele raccoglie ciclicamente i dati sulla vostra localizzazione per poter mostrare agli utilizzatori di WITOS Paving la loro posizione attuale e l’orario di arrivo stimato. Vögele utilizza la vostra posizione anche per comunicare automaticamente il vostro arrivo in cantiere o all’impianto di confezionamento (geofencing).

Vögele raccoglie i dati sulla vostra posizione anche quando WITOS Paving Transport funziona con una commessa WITOS Paving attiva in background. Vögele non rileva la posizione del vostro dispositivo quando WITOS Paving Transport non è in uso e se non vi siete registrati per una commessa.

L’acquisizione dei dati di posizione costituisce la funzione principale di WITOS Paving Transport, di conseguenza, senza di essa, non è possibile utilizzare WITOS Paving Transport.

Informazioni tecniche e file di registro

Vögele archivia temporaneamente informazioni del vostro dispositivo mobile dalle quali estrapola informazioni tecniche che vengono utilizzate per eliminare gli errori e migliorare il prodotto. Queste informazioni tecniche comprendono informazioni sui dispositivi e sulla rete, report di crash, file di registro e dati analitici.

Trattamento dei dati della commessa

Con i fornitori di servizi operanti nell’ambito del sistema WITOS, Vögele ha stipulato un contratto e si attiene ai requisiti previsti dal Regolamento generale sulla protezione dei dati (RGPD/UE 2016/679).

Come utilizza le informazioni WITOS Paving

Per la fornitura dei servizi

Vögele utilizza i dati raccolti da WITOS Paving Transport per fornire i servizi nell’ambito di WITOS Paving, compresa la possibilità di

  • visualizzare la posizione attuale dell’automezzo su una mappa
    • sul cantiere
    • presso l’impianto di confezionamento
    • nell’ufficio dell’impresa di costruzioni stradali
    • nella app WITOS Paving Transport stessa
  • Per calcolare un orario di arrivo nominale e un orario di arrivo reale stimato (ETA = Estimated Time of Arrival) in cantiere e all’impianto di confezionamento.
  • Per rilevare gli orari di arrivo e partenza approssimativi e variare lo stato dell’automezzo in cantiere e all’impianto di confezionamento mettendo a confronto i vostri dati di posizione e la posizione della finitrice stradale o dell’impianto di confezionamento (geofence).
  • Per raggruppare gli orari di arrivo e partenza approssimativi, i dati relativi alla bolla di consegna e altri stati rilevati manualmente (ad esempio, inizio e fine dello scarico) per rappresentare la qualità dell’approvvigionamento dell’accettazione della consegna.

I dati sulla posizione vengono acquisiti esclusivamente agli scopi sopra menzionati. Vögele non archivia perennemente alcun dato sulla posizione dell’automezzo, ad esempio per calcolarne i tragitti percorsi.

Per migliorare i nostri servizi

I dati raccolti vengono utilizzati anche per analizzare, perfezionare e migliorare i nostri servizi. A tal scopo, l’azienda Joseph Vögele può avvalersi della consulenza di fornitori terzi per comprendere meglio le modalità di utilizzo dei nostri servizi e migliorare i nostri servizi. I dati che raccogliamo per queste finalità vengono cancellati in modo automatico e restano archiviati solo in via temporanea.

I vostri diritti in merito di trattamento dei vostri dati personali

In questa sede desideriamo informarvi sui vostri diritti in merito di trattamento dei vostri dati personali. Per qualsiasi domanda o qualora desideriate esercitare i vostri diritti nei nostri confronti, vi preghiamo di contattare il nostro incaricato del trattamento dei dati all’indirizzo datenschutz@voegele.info oppure all’indirizzo sopra menzionato indicando “Incaricato del trattamento dei dati”.

Diritto alla revoca del consenso (Art. 7, paragrafo 3 RGPD)

Qualora aveste acconsentito espressamente al trattamento dei vostri dati personali, avete comunque il diritto di revocare il vostro consenso in qualsiasi momento. La revoca del consenso non pregiudica la liceità del trattamento basata sul consenso prima della revoca. Prima di esprimere il vostro consenso, sarete informati di ciò.

Diritto di accesso (Art. 15 RGPD)

Avete il diritto di ottenere da noi la conferma che sia o meno in corso un trattamento di dati personali che vi riguardano e, in tal caso, di ottenere l’accesso ai dati personali e alle seguenti informazioni. Qualora i dati personali siano trasferiti a un paese terzo o a un’organizzazione internazionale, avete il diritto di essere informati dell’esistenza di garanzie adeguate ai sensi dell’articolo 46 del Regolamento UE 2016/679 relative al trasferimento.

Diritto di rettifica (Art. 16 RGPD)

Avete il diritto di ottenere da noi la rettifica dei dati personali inesatti che vi riguardano senza ingiustificato ritardo. Tenuto conto delle finalità del trattamento, avete il diritto di ottenere l’integrazione dei dati personali incompleti, anche fornendo una dichiarazione integrativa.

Diritto alla cancellazione (“diritto all’oblio”) (Art. 17 RGPD)

Avete il diritto di ottenere da noi la cancellazione immediata dei dati personali se sussiste uno dei motivi seguenti:

  • i dati personali non sono più necessari rispetto alle finalità per le quali sono stati raccolti o altrimenti trattati,
  • revocate il vostro consenso e non sussiste altro fondamento giuridico per il trattamento,
  • vi opponete al trattamento ai sensi dell’articolo 21, paragrafo 1 RGPD per motivi connessi alla vostra situazione particolare e non sussiste alcun motivo legittimo prevalente per procedere al trattamento,
  • vi opponete al trattamento per la pubblicità diretta ai sensi dell’articolo 21, paragrafo 2 RGPD,
  • i dati personali sono stati trattati illecitamente,
  • i dati personali devono essere cancellati per adempiere un obbligo legale previsto dal diritto dell’Unione o dello Stato membro cui è soggetto il titolare del trattamento,
  • i dati personali sono stati raccolti relativamente all’offerta di servizi della società dell’informazione di cui all’articolo 8, paragrafo 1 RGPD.

Noi adempiamo la richiesta di cancellazione eccetto quando siamo obbligati o autorizzati per legge all’archiviazione e al trattamento dei vostri dati personali. Inoltre, siamo autorizzati all’archiviazione dei dati qualora senza i vostri dati personali non fosse possibile l’accertamento, l’esercizio o la difesa dei vostri diritti in sede giudiziaria.

Diritto di limitazione di trattamento (Art. 18 RGPD)

Ai sensi dell’Art. 18 RGPD, nei seguenti casi siamo autorizzati a trattare i dati personali solo limitatamente:

  • contestate l’esattezza dei dati personali, per il periodo a noi necessario per verificare l’esattezza di tali dati personali,
  • il trattamento è illecito e vi opponete alla cancellazione dei dati personali e chiedete invece che ne sia limitato l’utilizzo,
  • benché il titolare del trattamento non ne abbia più bisogno ai fini del trattamento, i dati personali sono necessari a voi per l’accertamento, l’esercizio o la difesa di un diritto in sede giudiziaria, oppure
  • vi siete opposti al trattamento ai sensi dell’articolo 21, paragrafo 1, pag. 2 RGPD per motivi connessi alla vostra situazione particolare, in attesa della verifica in merito all’eventuale prevalenza dei nostri motivi legittimi rispetto ai vostri.

Se il trattamento è limitato, tali dati personali sono trattati, salvo che per la conservazione, soltanto con il vostro consenso o per l’accertamento, l’esercizio o la difesa di un diritto in sede giudiziaria oppure per tutelare i diritti di un’altra persona fisica o giuridica o per motivi di interesse pubblico rilevante dell’Unione o di uno Stato membro. Il vostro consenso può essere revocato in qualsiasi momento. Verrete informati prima dell’abrogazione della limitazione.

Obbligo di notifica (Art. 19 RGPD)

Vi preghiamo di ricordare che siamo obbligati a comunicare a ciascuno dei destinatari cui sono stati trasmessi i vostri dati personali riguardo una eventuale rettifica o cancellazione o una limitazione del trattamento dei vostri dati, salvo che ciò si riveli impossibile o implichi uno sforzo sproporzionato.

Vi comunicheremo tali destinatari qualora lo richiediate.

Diritto alla portabilità dei dati (Art. 20 RGPD)

Avete il diritto di ricevere in un formato strutturato, di uso comune e leggibile da dispositivo automatico i dati personali che vi riguardano forniti a un titolare del trattamento. In casi specifici, avete il diritto di trasmettere tali dati a un altro titolare del trattamento. Questo diritto, tuttavia, non deve ledere i diritti e le libertà altrui, compresa la nostra azienda. Se questo avviene, siamo autorizzati ad opporci alla consegna o al trasferimento dei vostri dati.

Diritto di opposizione (Art. 21 RGPD)

Avete il diritto di opporvi in qualsiasi momento, per motivi connessi alla vostra situazione particolare, al trattamento dei dati personali che vi riguardano ai sensi dell’articolo 6, paragrafo 1, lettera f) RGPD, compresa la profilazione sulla base di tali disposizioni. In questo caso, ci asteniamo dal trattare ulteriormente i dati personali salvo che dimostriamo l’esistenza di motivi legittimi cogenti per procedere al trattamento che devono prevalere sui vostri interessi, diritti e libertà oppure che sono ritenuti necessari per l’accertamento, l’esercizio o la difesa di un diritto in sede giudiziaria.

Diritto di proporre reclamo all'autorità di controllo (Art. 77 RGPD)

Fatto salvo ogni altro ricorso amministrativo o giurisdizionale, se ritenete che il trattamento che vi riguarda violi il RGPD avete il diritto di proporre reclamo a un’autorità di controllo, segnatamente nello Stato membro in cui risiedete abitualmente, lavorate oppure del luogo ove si è verificata la presunta violazione.

Marzo 2024


SPECTIVE CONNECT Privacy Notice European Economic Area (EEA) SPECTIVE CONNECT Privacy Notice Rest of World

SPECTIVE CONNECT Privacy Notice European Economic Area (EEA)

Territory Scope: European Union, non-EU countries in European Economic Area (EEA), Switzerland

Release Date: 2023-04-20
Language: English

This policy describes how KLEEMANN and its WIRTGEN GROUP affiliates collect and process your data. References in this policy to KLEEMANN, “we” or “us” shall mean KLEEMANN GmbH, Manfred-Wörner-Straße 160, 73037 Göppingen, Germany.

We would like to explain to you below in more detail which personal data we collect in connection with the SPECTIVE CONNECT App and how we use related data as well as inform you about your rights as a data subject.

This Privacy Notice applies only to individuals (“you” or “your”) to whom the provisions of the EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) are applicable and who are within the jurisdictions mentioned under Territory Scope (see above), in particular data subjects residing within the European Economic Area (EEA) and Switzerland. Outside the EEA and Switzerland please refer to our separate SPECTIVE CONNECT Privacy Notice (Rest of World).

SPECTIVE CONNECT provides you the possibility to connect a smart device (Smartphone/Tablet) via WiFi with a KLEEMANN crushing or screening plant to see all important information of the current process. The operator stays in the excavator or wheel loader – safe and efficient. Clear reports digitize the machine usage and productivity.

1 What data do we collect and process?

We collect and process personal data about you when you interact with us and our products while using the SPECTIVE CONNECT App.

  • When downloading the app, the information required for that purpose is transmitted to the controller of the App Store, especially the username, email address, and customer number for your account, the time of the download, and the individual device designation number. However, we have no influence on this collection of data and are not responsible for the collection. We process these provided data to the extent necessary for downloading the app to your mobile device. The data are not stored for any other purpose.
  • SPECTIVE CONNECT App processes data generated by the use of, collected by, or stored in machinery as well as data entered manually in the app. These data can be categorized into:
    • position data of the Smartphone
      • timestamp
      • latitude
      • longitude
      • altitude
      • GPS Quality
    • machine specific data like
      • machine identification number (no serial number)
      • machine type
      • product name
    • process specific data like:
      • fuel consumption
      • production volume
      • machine runtime and usage
      • feeding speed
      • prescreen speed
      • crusher load
      • engine rpm
    • Support Data (report to contact service function)
      • name
      • phone number
      • e-Mail address
      • pictures

We strive to provide you with the best possible experience. To improve our products and their usability, we are using analytics technologies from 3rd parties. The information collected doesn’t allow us to identify you but helps analyze crashes, bugs, and relevant information to improve and enhance the quality of our products and services. Any collected location information doesn’t allow any exact identification of your location or person and helps us to optimize the product for regional usage. You have the possibility to disable this tracking and analytics functionality via the settings in your licensed Application.
We have no access to other data because they are stored only on your device.

2 For what purposes and on what legal basis do we use your data?

We process this personal data for the following purposes:

  • For the protection of our legitimate business interests, we may access and use the data in anonymized or pseudonymized form for statistical purposes as well as to improve or enhance the services provided under this contract, develop additional or new of our products and services, and/or identify new usage types of equipment.
  • Compliance with applicable laws and legal rights, including, but not limited to, use in conjunction with legal claims, compliance, regulatory, or investigative purposes (including disclosure of such information related to legal process or litigation).
  • We may disclose the data to outside parties when we have a good faith belief that disclosure is reasonably necessary to (a) comply with any applicable law, regulation or compulsory legal request (e.g. from government authorities and/or law enforcement officials); (b) protect the safety of any person from death or serious bodily injury; (c) prevent fraud or abuse against us or our users; (d) to protect our property rights; or (e) defend us and our affiliates or personnel from any legal proceedings arising out of the data.

3 Who will we share your data with?

We share your information with the following recipients:

  • Third Parties at your direction: You may share and disclose data with the share functionality in the app. Please note that when you share your information with someone other than us, the recipient may decide to copy, use, modify, or distribute it to others, and we have no control over, or responsibility for, any such activities.
  • WIRTGEN GROUP affiliates: We share your information with our parent company Deere & Company and WIRTGEN GROUP wholly-owned subsidiaries as far as necessary, to provide you with the app services and to enable your use of the app features and for the other purposes described in this notice. Information is shared to provide joint content and services (e.g., registration, transactions); improve products and services; to detect, investigate, and prevent improper or unauthorized activities; identify, protect, detect, respond, and recover from security events and incidents; to comply with laws and regulations (e.g., laws and regulations of countries where Affiliates of us operate); and establish, exercise, and defend legal rights.
  • Trusted suppliers: We share your information with trusted suppliers as necessary to provide you with the app services and to enable your use of the app features. Depending on how you use the app and the app features and on the preferences you set, these suppliers include companies that provide the following technology and computing services, including internet and software services: data hosting, data conversion, and cloud computing capabilities, account management and security, testing, debugging, error reporting, and usage analytics.
  • Official disclosures: We may disclose your data to comply with court orders and legal or regulatory requirements; to prevent injury, death, losses, fraud, or abuse; to protect our rights or to defend us in legal proceedings (or our affiliates); and where needed in connection with the sale or transfer of business assets.

Personal data may be shared with government authorities and/or law enforcement officials if required for the purposes above, if mandated by law, or if required for the legal protection of our legitimate interests in compliance with applicable laws.

As an end user (e.g. as an employee or driver) please refer to your Organization as the operator and/or owner of the machine to find out how it transfers your data on its part.

4 Where will we send your data?

Where information is transferred outside the EEA, and where this is to a trusted supplier in a country that is not subject to an adequacy decision by the EU Commission (a list of such countries is available here ), data is adequately protected by KLEEMANN’s use of EU Commission approved standard contractual clauses when setting up such relationships. Transfers to WIRTGEN GROUP affiliates will take place using adequate measures, such as binding corporate rules (BCR’s), standard contractual clauses adopted by the European Commission to protect Personal Data, other valid transfer mechanism(s), or based on permissible statutory derogations.

5 What rights do you have in relation to your data?

You have the right to ask us:

  • for access to and a copy of your personal data that we hold on you
  • for a copy of the personal information you provided to us and to provide it to you or send to a third party in a commonly used, machine readable format
  • to update or correct your personal data in order to make it accurate
  • to delete your personal data from our records in certain circumstances
  • to restrict the processing of your personal data in certain circumstances

And you may also:

  • object to us processing your personal data in certain circumstances (in particular, where we don’t have to process the data to meet a contractual or other legal requirement, or where we are using the data for direct marketing)
  • if you have granted your consent to the processing of your data, withdraw this consent at any time with effect for the future without giving any reasons.

These rights may be limited in some situations – for example, where we can demonstrate that we have a legal requirement or compelling legitimate grounds to process your data. In some instances, this may mean that we are able to retain data even if you object to our data processing or withdraw your consent.

Where we require personal data to comply with legal or contractual obligations, then provision of such data is mandatory: if such data is not provided, then we will not be able to manage our contractual relationship, or to meet obligations placed on us. In all other cases, provision of requested personal data is optional.
If you want to exercise your rights regarding your personal data, you can contact the data protection officer whose contact details can be found below.

In the event you have unresolved concerns, you also have the right to lodge a complaint over the Personal Data Complaint Form on our WIRTGEN GROUP Website or complain with a supervisory authority, in particular the data protection authority in the member state of your habitual residence or place of work.
Please note that we can only answer requests regarding your rights, if the data on which your request is based clearly identifies you as an individual. Since, in general, we process your data pseudonymously, unless otherwise necessary for the performance of our contractual services towards your Organization, we would have to process additional personal data in order to identify you. This is typically not necessary and not intended within the purposes of our services. Therefore we are generally not obliged to collect or process such additional data (Art. 11 (2) GDPR) and Art. 15 to 20 GDPR will not apply.

Generally, we recommend that you contact your Organization directly for your requests for information and the assertion of your rights as a data subject. After all, your Organization as the operator and/or owner of the machine may take the appropriate measures and provide you with further information.

6 Which WIRTGEN GROUP entity is your data controller?

The data controller for your information is KLEEMANN GmbH, Manfred-Wörner-Straße 160, 73037 Göppingen, Germany.

You can contact our data protection officer via: datenschutz@kleemann.info

In addition to the above, your data is shared with WIRTGEN GROUP Affiliates.

Besides us also your Organization as owner and/or operator of the machine is responsible for data processing in connection with SPECTIVE CONNECT. For further information, please refer directly to your Organization or the data protection officer of your Organization directly.

7 How long will we retain your data?

We store the data for the duration of the contractual period and to the extent permitted, after the end of that relationship for as long as necessary to perform the purposes set out in this notice. This relates to the usage of SPECTIVE CONNECT App. You can also delete the SPECTIVE CONNECT App at any time. Upon deleting the app, all data you have stored locally will be deleted.
Laws may require us to hold certain information for specific periods. In other cases, we may retain data for an appropriate period after any relationship with you ends to protect itself from legal claims, or to administer its business.

8 How do we protect your data?

We have implemented and will maintain standards and procedures designed to prevent misuse of information in your account (technical and organizational measures):

  • We maintain physical computer and network security.
  • We educate our employees about the importance of data security and customer service through standard operating procedures and special training programs.
  • We maintain security standards and procedures to help prevent unauthorized access to information about you, and we update and test our technology to improve the protection of your information.

9 Changes to this Privacy Notice

This Privacy Notice shall apply as amended or revised. We recommend that you read the most current version next time you use our product or service. We will publish the updated version of this Privacy Notice in the SPECTIVE CONNECT App.

Version 1.2

SPECTIVE CONNECT Privacy Notice Rest of World

Territory Scope: Countries outside the European Economic Area (EEA) and Switzerland

Release Date: 2023-04-20
Language: English

This policy describes how KLEEMANN and its WIRTGEN GROUP affiliates collect and process your data. References in this policy to KLEEMANN, “we” or “us” shall mean KLEEMANN GmbH, Manfred-Wörner-Straße 160, 73037 Göppingen, Germany.

We would like to explain to you below in more detail which personal data we collect in connection with the SPECTIVE CONNECT App and how we use related data as well as inform you about your rights as a data subject. For information on other products and services offered by KLEEMANN or WIRTGEN GROUP Affiliates, please refer to the respective privacy notice for these products and services.

This Privacy Notice applies only to individuals (“you” or “your”) to whom the provisions of the EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) are not applicable and who are within the jurisdictions mentioned under Territory Scope (see above), in particular individuals residing outside the European Economic Area (EEA) and Switzerland. Within the EEA and Switzerland please refer to our separate SPECTIVE CONNECT Privacy Notice (EEA).

If your jurisdiction is neither mentioned under the Territory Scope of this Privacy Notice (see above) nor under the Territory Scope of the SPECTIVE CONNECT Privacy Notice (EEA) other privacy notices may be applicable to you.

SPECTIVE CONNECT provides you the possibility to connect a smart device (Smartphone/Tablet) via WiFi with a KLEEMANN crushing or screening plant to see all important information of the current process. The operator stays in the excavator or wheel loader – safe and efficient. Clear reports digitize the machine usage and productivity.

1 What data do we collect?

We collect and process personal data about you when you interact with us and our products while using the SPECTIVE CONNECT App.

  • When downloading the app, the information required for that purpose is transmitted to the controller of the App Store, especially the username, email address, and customer number for your account, the time of the download, and the individual device designation number. However, we have no influence on this collection of data and are not responsible for the collection. We process these provided data to the extent necessary for downloading the app to your mobile device. The data are not stored for any other purpose.
  • SPECTIVE CONNECT App processes data generated by the use of, collected by, or stored in machinery as well as data entered manually in the app. These data can be categorized into:
    • position data of the Smartphone
      • timestamp
      • latitude
      • longitude
      • altitude
      • GPS Quality
    • machine specific data like
      • machine identification number (no serial number)
      • machine type
      • product name
    • process specific data like:
      • fuel consumption
      • production volume
      • machine runtime and usage
      • feeding speed
      • prescreen speed
      • crusher load
      • engine rpm
    • Support Data (report to contact service function)
      • name
      • phone number
      • e-Mail address
      • pictures

We strive to provide you with the best possible experience. To improve our products and their usability, we are using analytics technologies from 3rd parties. The information collected doesn’t allow us to identify you but helps analyze crashes, bugs, and relevant information to improve and enhance the quality of our products and services. Any collected location information doesn’t allow any exact identification of your location or person and helps us to optimize the product for regional usage. You have the possibility to disable this tracking and analytics functionality via the settings in your licensed Application.
We have no access to other data because they are stored only on your device.

2 For what purposes and on what legal basis do we use your data?

We process this personal data for the following purposes:

  • For the protection of our legitimate business interests, we may access and use the data in anonymized or pseudonymized form for statistical purposes as well as to improve or enhance the services provided under this contract, develop additional or new of our products and services, and/or identify new usage types of equipment.
  • Compliance with applicable laws and legal rights, including, but not limited to, use in conjunction with legal claims, compliance, regulatory, or investigative purposes (including disclosure of such information related to legal process or litigation).
  • We may disclose the data to outside parties when we have a good faith belief that disclosure is reasonably necessary to (a) comply with any applicable law, regulation or compulsory legal request (e.g. from government authorities and/or law enforcement officials); (b) protect the safety of any person from death or serious bodily injury; (c) prevent fraud or abuse against us or our users; (d) to protect our property rights; or (e) defend us and our affiliates or personnel from any legal proceedings arising out of the data.

3 Who will we share your data with?

We share your information with the following recipients:

  • Third Parties at your direction: You may share and disclose data with the share functionality in the app. Please note that when you share your information with someone other than us, the recipient may decide to copy, use, modify, or distribute it to others, and we have no control over, or responsibility for, any such activities.
  • WIRTGEN GROUP affiliates: We share your information with our parent company Deere & Company and WIRTGEN GROUP wholly-owned subsidiaries as far as necessary, to provide you with the app services and to enable your use of the app features and for the other purposes described in this notice. Information is shared to provide joint content and services (e.g., registration, transactions); improve products and services; to detect, investigate, and prevent improper or unauthorized activities; identify, protect, detect, respond, and recover from security events and incidents; to comply with laws and regulations (e.g., laws and regulations of countries where Affiliates of us operate); and establish, exercise, and defend legal rights.
  • Trusted suppliers: We share your information with trusted suppliers as necessary to provide you with the app services and to enable your use of the app features. Depending on how you use the app and the app features and on the preferences you set, these suppliers include companies that provide the following technology and computing services, including internet and software services: data hosting, data conversion, and cloud computing capabilities, account management and security, testing, debugging, error reporting, and usage analytics.
  • Official disclosures: We may disclose your data to comply with court orders and legal or regulatory requirements; to prevent injury, death, losses, fraud, or abuse; to protect our rights or to defend us in legal proceedings (or our affiliates); and where needed in connection with the sale or transfer of business assets.

Personal data may be shared with government authorities and/or law enforcement officials if required for the purposes above, if mandated by law, or if required for the legal protection of our legitimate interests in compliance with applicable laws.
As an end user (e.g. as an employee or driver) please refer to your Organization as the operator and/or owner of the machine to find out how it transfers your data on its part.

4 Where will we send your data?

Your data may be stored in accordance with this Privacy Notice on systems in the United States, the EEA and other countries which may have differing data protection laws.

5 What rights do you have in relation to your data?

Depending on your jurisdiction you may have the right to ask us:

  • for access to and a copy of your personal data that we hold on you,
  • for a copy of the personal information you provided to us and to provide it to you or send to a third party in a commonly used, machine readable format in certain circumstances,
  • to update or correct your personal data in order to make it accurate,
  • to delete your personal data from our records in certain circumstances,
  • to restrict the processing of your personal data in certain circumstances.

And you may also have the right, depending on your jurisdiction:

  • to object to us processing your personal data in certain circumstances,
  • if you have granted your consent to the processing of your data, to withdraw this consent.

These rights may be limited in some situations – for example, where we can demonstrate that we have a legal requirement or compelling legitimate grounds to process your data. In some instances, this may mean that we are able to retain data even if you object to our data processing or withdraw your consent.

Where we require personal data to comply with legal or contractual obligations, then provision of such data is mandatory: if such data is not provided, then we will not be able to manage our contractual relationship, or to meet obligations placed on us. In all other cases, provision of requested personal data is optional.

If you want to exercise your rights regarding your personal data applicable to you, you can contact the data protection officer whose contact details can be found below.

In the event you have unresolved concerns, depending on your jurisdiction, you may also have the right to lodge a complaint over the Personal Data Complaint Form on our WIRTGEN GROUP Website or complain with a competent supervisory authority.
Please note that we can only answer requests regarding rights applicable to you, if the data on which your request is based clearly identifies you as an individual. Since, in general, we process your data pseudonymously, unless otherwise necessary for the performance of our contractual services towards your Organization, we would have to process additional personal data in order to identify you. This is typically not necessary and not intended within the purposes of our services. Therefore we are generally not obliged to collect or process such additional data.

Generally, we recommend that you contact your Organization directly for your requests for information and the assertion of your rights as a data subject applicable to you. After all, your Organization as the operator and/or owner of the machine may take the appropriate measures and provide you with further information.

6 Which WIRTGEN entity is my data controller?

The data controller for your information is KLEEMANN GmbH, Manfred-Wörner-Straße 160, 73037 Göppingen, Germany.

You can contact our data protection officer via: datenschutz@kleemann.info

In addition to the above, your data is shared with WIRTGEN GROUP Affiliates.

Besides us also your Organization as owner and/or operator of the machine is responsible for data processing in connection with SPECTIVE CONNECT. For further information, please refer directly to your Organization or the data protection officer of your Organization directly.

7 How long will we retain your data?

We store the data for the duration of the contractual period and to the extent permitted, after the end of that relationship for as long as necessary to perform the purposes set out in this notice. This relates to the usage of SPECTIVE CONNECT App. You can also delete the SPECTIVE CONNECT App at any time. Upon deleting the app, all data you have stored locally will be deleted.

Laws may require us to hold certain information for specific periods. In other cases, we may retain data for an appropriate period after any relationship with you ends to protect itself from legal claims, or to administer its business.

8 How do we protect your data?

We have implemented and will maintain standards and procedures designed to prevent misuse of information in your account (technical and organizational measures):

  • We maintain physical computer and network security
  • We educate our employees about the importance of data security and customer service through standard operating procedures and special training programs
  • We maintain security standards and procedures to help prevent unauthorized access to information about you, and we update and test our technology to improve the protection of your information

9 Changes to this Privacy Notice

This Privacy Notice shall apply as amended or revised. We recommend that you read the most current version next time you use our product or service. We will publish the updated version of this Privacy Notice in the SPECTIVE CONNECT App.

Version 1.2

Privacy Notices for Jobsite Note

Privacy Notices for Jobsite Note (PDF)

Controller and Data Protection Officer

The controller is:

JOSEPH VÖGELE AG („Vögele“, „We“)
Joseph-Vögele-Str. 1, D-67075 Ludwigshafen
T: +49 621 / 81 05 0
F: +49 621 / 81 05 469
E: mail@voegele.info

You can also contact our Data Protection Officer at any time. Ideally by e-mail to: datenschutz@voegele.info


The Jobsite Note app is used to record delivery notes and manage the construction process on asphalt construction sites with road pavers from the Joseph Vögele AG. The Jobsite Note app is part of the process management system WITOS Paving.

This Privacy Notice explains what data we collect using the Jobsite Note app, how we use and share it and what rights you have in relation to your use of Jobsite Note. We treat your personal data confidentially and in accordance with the statutory data protection regulations as well as these privacy notices.

Please be aware that if you use our products as an end user (e.g. as an employee) for one of our customers or their subcontractors (“your company”), your company is also jointly responsible for the data processing in connection with WITOS Paving and Jobsite Note in addition to us.

We collect, store and process your personal data only insofar as this is necessary for us to provide our contractual services to your company, which contractually assures us a sufficient legal basis.

Information collected by Jobsite Note

Jobsite Note collects information by which you can be indirectly identified:

Data of the road paver and the WITOS Paving job

  • The WITOS Paving order number
  • The serial number and name of the road paver carrying out this job

We record this data in order to be able to assign delivery notes and order parameters, such as the asphalt tonnage paved or the paving distance to the corresponding asphalt paving job.

Location data
JobSite Note does not collect location data. To geo-reference where the lorries are unloaded, the position of the road paver is used.

Camera data
We use the camera to

  • connect Jobsite Note to the road paver’s Wi-Fi via a QR code. Alternatively, the login data can also be entered manually in Jobsite Note.
  • collect delivery notes via a QR code and process them in Jobsite Note. Alternatively, delivery notes can be entered manually.

We do not use the camera for any other purpose.

We use Wi-Fi to

  • transfer job and paving data as well as delivery notes from the road paver to the app and transfer inputs (e.g. the recorded delivery notes) to the road paver. The road paver exchanges this data with WITOS Paving via its mobile network.

We do not use the networks for any other purpose, in particular we do not track the location of users of the app using the network connection.

Technical information and log data
We use Crashlytics and Firebase to temporarily store information from your mobile device. We do this to obtain the technical information we need to troubleshoot and improve products. In particular, this is used to trace crashes (post-mortem analysis).

The information concerns:

  • An RFC-4122 UUID (universally unique identifier) which permits us to deduplicate crashes
  • The timestamp of when the crash occurred
  • The app's bundle identifier and full version number
  • The device's operating system name and version number
  • A boolean indicating whether the device was jailbroken/rooted
  • The device's model name, CPU architecture, amount of RAM and disk space
  • The uint64 instruction pointer of every frame of every currently running thread
  • If available in the runtime, the plain-text method or function name containing each instruction pointer.
  • If an exception was thrown, the plain-text class name and message value of the exception
  • If a fatal signal was raised, its name and integer code
  • For each binary image loaded into the application, its name, UUID, byte size, and the uint64 base address at which it was loaded into RAM
  • A boolean indicating whether or not the app was in the background at the time it crashed
  • An integer value indicating the rotation of the screen at the time of crash
  • A boolean indicating whether the device's proximity sensor was triggered

You can switch off the transfer of the analysis data in the app by rejecting the cookie consent pop-up.

Processing job data
We have concluded a contract for commissioned data processing with the service providers operating within the framework of the WITOS system and implement the requirements of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).

Jobsite Note uses information together with WITOS Paving

For the provision of services
We use the data collected via Jobsite Note to provide the services within WITOS Paving, including the ability to

  • display when and where an asphalt paving job was started or completed with a particular road paver.
  • display the current installed delivery notes and total tonnage of asphalt.
  • record the deviation between target and current tonnages, as well as other target/current comparisons, in order to provide an overview of the current state of the paving task.

Street scanner location data connected to Jobsite Note is collected exclusively for the aforementioned purposes.

To improve our services
Furthermore, we use the data we collect to analyse, develop and improve the services. To do this, Joseph Vögele may use third party analytics to help us understand how our services are being used and to help us improve the services. Data collected for these purposes is automatically deleted and only stored temporarily. No conclusions can be drawn about individuals. We have concluded an order data processing contract with our service providers.

Your rights in relation to the processing of your personal data

We would like to inform you about your rights in relation to the processing of your personal data. If you have any questions about your rights or wish to assert your rights vis-à-vis our company, please contact our Data Protection Officer at datenschutz@voegele.info or at the above mailing address, adding “Data Protection Officer”.

Right of access (Article 15 of the GDPR)
You have the right to obtain confirmation as to whether or not we are processing your personal data. If this is the case, you have the right to access this personal data. Where personal data is transferred to a third country or to an international organisation, you also have the right to be informed of the appropriate safeguards pursuant to the GDPR relating to the transfer.

Right to rectification (Article 16 of the GDPR)
You have the right to obtain from us without undue delay the rectification of inaccurate personal data. Taking into account the purposes of the processing, you also have the right to have incomplete personal data completed, including by means of providing a supplementary statement.

Right to erasure, i.e. ‘right to be forgotten’ (Article 17 of the GDPR)
You have the right to immediately obtain the erasure of your personal data without undue delay where one of the following grounds applies:

  • The personal data is no longer necessary in relation to the purposes for which it was collected or otherwise processed;
  • You withdraw consent and there is no other legal ground for the processing;
  • You object to the processing pursuant to Article 21(1) of the GDPR and there are no overriding legitimate grounds for the processing;
  • You object to the processing for the purposes of direct marketing pursuant to Article 21(2) of the GDPR;
  • The personal data has been processed unlawfully;
  • The personal data has to be erased to comply with a legal obligation in European Union or German law;
  • The personal data was collected in relation to the offer of information society services directly to a child referred to in Article 8(1) of the GDPR.

We will comply with your request to erase the data unless we are required or authorised by law to continue to store and process your data. In addition, we are authorised to retain your data if it is not possible for us to assert, exercise or defend against legal claims without your data.

Right to restriction of processing (Article 18 of the GDPR)
Pursuant to Article 18 of the GDPR, you have the right to obtain from us the restriction of processing where one of the following applies:

  • You contest the accuracy of the personal data, for a period enabling us to verify the accuracy of the personal data;
  • The processing is unlawful and you oppose the erasure of your personal data and request the restriction of its use instead;
  • We no longer need the personal data for the purposes of the processing, but you require the data for the establishment, exercise, or defence of legal claims; or
  • You have objected to processing pursuant to Article 21(1) P. 2 of the GDPR pending the verification of whether our legitimate grounds override your interests.

Where processing has been restricted, we are only authorised to store this data. In this case, further processing is only permitted with your consent or for the establishment, exercise, or defense of legal claims, for the protection of the rights of another natural or legal person, or for reasons of important public interest of the European Union or of an EU member state. You can withdraw your consent in this regard at any time. We will inform you before the restriction of processing is lifted.

Notification obligation (Article 19 of the GDPR)
Please note that we are obligated to communicate any rectification or erasure of personal data or restriction of processing to each recipient to whom your personal data has been disclosed. This does not apply if doing so proves impossible or involves disproportionate effort.

We will inform you about these recipients if you request it.

Right to data portability (Article 20 of the GDPR)
You have the right to receive the personal data concerning you that you have provided to us in a structured, commonly used and machine-readable format. You also have the right to have us transfer this data to a third party in certain cases. This right may not, however, adversely affect the rights and freedoms of others, including our company. If this is the case, we are authorised to refuse to disclose or transfer your data.

Right to object (Article 21 of the GDPR)
If we process your data on the basis of a legitimate interest (Art. 6(1)(f) of the GDPR), you have the right to object to this on grounds relating to your particular situation. This also applies to profiling based on this provision. In this case, we will no longer process your data unless we can demonstrate compelling legitimate grounds for the processing. These must override your interests, rights and freedoms or the processing must serve the establishment, exercise or defence of legal claims.

Right to withdraw your consent (Article 7(3) of the GDPR)
If you have granted your express consent to the processing of your personal data, you may withdraw this consent at any time. Withdrawing your consent does not affect the lawfulness of processing carried out on the basis of your consent before its withdrawal. You will be informed of this right of withdrawal before you grant your consent.

Right to lodge a complaint with a supervisory authority (Article 77 of the GDPR)
You have the right to lodge a complaint with a supervisory authority, in particular in the EU member state of your habitual residence, place of work or place of the alleged infringement, if you consider that the processing of your personal data violates the provisions of the GDPR. This does not affect any other administrative or judicial remedies to which you may be entitled.

March 2023

Privacy Notices for Jobsite Temp

Privacy Notices for Jobsite Temp (PDF)

Controller and Data Protection Officer

The controller is:

JOSEPH VÖGELE AG („Vögele“, „We“)
Joseph-Vögele-Str. 1, D-67075 Ludwigshafen
T: +49 621 / 81 05 0
F: +49 621 / 81 05 469
E: mail@voegele.info

You can also contact our Data Protection Officer at any time. Ideally by e-mail to: datenschutz@voegele.info


The Jobsite Temp app is used to display thermal data from the WITOS Paving RoadScansensor and other information in connection with asphalt delivery (e.g. delivery note information) and asphalt paving (e.g. road paver’s travel speed) on asphalt construction sites with Joseph Vögele AG road pavers.
Jobsite Temp can also be used by roller operators to display their own position on the thermal data. This makes it easier to decide whether it makes sense to compact the asphalt that has been laid.
The Jobsite Temp app is part of the WITOS Paving process management system.

This Privacy Notice explains what data we collect using the Jobsite Temp app, how we use and share it and what rights you have in relation to your use of Jobsite Temp. We treat your personal data confidentially and in accordance with the statutory data protection regulations as well as these privacy notices.

Please be aware that if you use our products as an end user (e.g. as an employee) for one of our customers or their subcontractors (“your company”), your company is also jointly responsible for the data processing in connection with WITOS Paving and Jobsite Temp in addition to us.

We collect, store and process your personal data only insofar as this is necessary for us to provide our contractual services to your company, which contractually assures us a sufficient legal basis.

Information collected by Jobsite Temp

Jobsite Temp does not collect information from which you can be directly or indirectly identified:

Delivery notes
Jobsite Temp shows the paving positions of the asphalt deliveries recorded using WITOS Paving. Delivery notes may contain the personal data of the supplier(s). How we handle your information is described in the data protection notices of the applications that record these delivery notes.

Location data

  • Current location information of the mobile device to show its own position relative to the thermal data.

The location data is not forwarded and is only used in the Jobsite Temp app. We do not use location data for any purposes other than those described above.

Camera data
We use the camera to

  • connect Jobsite Temp to the road paver’s Wi-Fi via a QR code. Alternatively, the login data can also be entered manually in Jobsite Temp.

We do not use the camera for any other purpose.

We use Wi-Fi to

  • transfer thermal, paver and delivery note data to the app.

We do not use the networks for any other purpose, in particular we do not track the location of users of the app using the network connection.

Technical information and log data
We use Crashlytics and Firebase to temporarily store information from your mobile device. We do this to obtain the technical information we need to troubleshoot and improve products. In particular, this is used to trace crashes (post-mortem analysis).

The information concerns:

  • An RFC-4122 UUID (universally unique identifier) which permits us to deduplicate crashes
  • The timestamp of when the crash occurred
  • The app's bundle identifier and full version number
  • The device's operating system name and version number
  • A boolean indicating whether the device was jailbroken/rooted
  • The device's model name, CPU architecture, amount of RAM and disk space
  • The uint64 instruction pointer of every frame of every currently running thread
  • If available in the runtime, the plain-text method or function name containing each instruction pointer.
  • If an exception was thrown, the plain-text class name and message value of the exception
  • If a fatal signal was raised, its name and integer code
  • For each binary image loaded into the application, its name, UUID, byte size, and the uint64 base address at which it was loaded into RAM
  • A boolean indicating whether or not the app was in the background at the time it crashed
  • An integer value indicating the rotation of the screen at the time of crash
  • A boolean indicating whether the device's proximity sensor was triggered

You can switch off the transfer of the analysis data in the app by rejecting the cookie consent pop-up.

Processing job data
We have concluded a contract for commissioned data processing with the service providers operating within the framework of the WITOS system and implement the requirements of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).

Jobsite Temp uses information together with WITOS Paving

To improve our services
Furthermore, we use the data we collect to analyse, develop and improve the services. To do this, Joseph Vögele may use third party analytics to help us understand how our services are being used and to help us improve the services. Data collected for these purposes is automatically deleted and only stored temporarily.
We have concluded an order data processing contract with our service providers.

Your rights in relation to the processing of your personal data

We would like to inform you about your rights in relation to the processing of your personal data. If you have any questions about your rights or wish to assert your rights vis-à-vis our company, please contact our data protection officer at datenschutz@voegele.info or at the above mailing address, adding “Data Protection Officer”.

Right of access (Article 15 of the GDPR)
You have the right to obtain confirmation as to whether or not we are processing your personal data. If this is the case, you have the right to access this personal data. Where personal data is transferred to a third country or to an international organisation, you also have the right to be informed of the appropriate safeguards pursuant to the GDPR relating to the transfer.

Right to rectification (Article 16 of the GDPR)
You have the right to obtain from us without undue delay the rectification of inaccurate personal data. Taking into account the purposes of the processing, you also have the right to have incomplete personal data completed, including by means of providing a supplementary statement.

Right to erasure, i.e. ‘right to be forgotten’ (Article 17 of the GDPR)
You have the right to immediately obtain the erasure of your personal data without undue delay where one of the following grounds applies:

  • The personal data is no longer necessary in relation to the purposes for which it was collected or otherwise processed;
  • You withdraw consent and there is no other legal ground for the processing;
  • You object to the processing pursuant to Article 21(1) of the GDPR and there are no overriding legitimate grounds for the processing;
  • You object to the processing for the purposes of direct marketing pursuant to Article 21(2) of the GDPR;
  • The personal data has been processed unlawfully;
  • The personal data has to be erased to comply with a legal obligation in European Union or German law;
  • The personal data was collected in relation to the offer of information society services directly to a child referred to in Article 8(1) of the GDPR.

We will comply with your request to erase the data unless we are required or authorised by law to continue to store and process your data. In addition, we are authorised to retain your data if it is not possible for us to assert, exercise or defend against legal claims without your data.

Right to restriction of processing (Article 18 of the GDPR)
Pursuant to Article 18 of the GDPR, you have the right to obtain from us the restriction of processing where one of the following applies:

  • You contest the accuracy of the personal data, for a period enabling us to verify the accuracy of the personal data;
  • The processing is unlawful and you oppose the erasure of your personal data and request the restriction of its use instead;
  • We no longer need the personal data for the purposes of the processing, but you require the data for the establishment, exercise, or defence of legal claims; or
  • You have objected to processing pursuant to Article 21(1) P. 2 of the GDPR pending the verification of whether our legitimate grounds override your interests.

Where processing has been restricted, we are only authorised to store this data. In this case, further processing is only permitted with your consent or for the establishment, exercise, or defense of legal claims, for the protection of the rights of another natural or legal person, or for reasons of important public interest of the European Union or of an EU member state. You can withdraw your consent in this regard at any time. We will inform you before the restriction of processing is lifted.

Notification obligation (Article 19 of the GDPR)
Please note that we are obligated to communicate any rectification or erasure of personal data or restriction of processing to each recipient to whom your personal data has been disclosed. This does not apply if doing so proves impossible or involves disproportionate effort.

We will inform you about these recipients if you request it.

Right to data portability (Article 20 of the GDPR)
You have the right to receive the personal data concerning you that you have provided to us in a structured, commonly used and machine-readable format. You also have the right to have us transfer this data to a third party in certain cases. This right may not, however, adversely affect the rights and freedoms of others, including our company. If this is the case, we are authorised to refuse to disclose or transfer your data.

Right to object (Article 21 of the GDPR)
If we process your data on the basis of a legitimate interest (Art. 6(1)(f) of the GDPR), you have the right to object to this on grounds relating to your particular situation. This also applies to profiling based on this provision. In this case, we will no longer process your data unless we can demonstrate compelling legitimate grounds for the processing. These must override your interests, rights and freedoms or the processing must serve the establishment, exercise or defence of legal claims.

Right to withdraw your consent (Article 7(3) of the GDPR)
If you have granted your express consent to the processing of your personal data, you may withdraw this consent at any time. Withdrawing your consent does not affect the lawfulness of processing carried out on the basis of your consent before its withdrawal. You will be informed of this right of withdrawal before you grant your consent.

Right to lodge a complaint with a supervisory authority (Article 77 of the GDPR)
You have the right to lodge a complaint with a supervisory authority, in particular in the EU member state of your habitual residence, place of work or place of the alleged infringement, if you consider that the processing of your personal data violates the provisions of the GDPR. This does not affect any other administrative or judicial remedies to which you may be entitled.

March 2023