

本《隐私声明》说明了John Deere 及其受控关联公司如何处理个人数据。



I. 数据控制方名称和地址 II. 数据保护专员的联系方式 III. 有关数据处理的一般信息 IV. 提供网站服务及创建日志文件 VI. Cookies的使用 VII. 表格和电子邮件联系方式 VIII. 托管和基础设施提供商 IX. 电子邮报 X. 在线求职 XI. 合规热线 XII. RSS(简易信息聚合)摘要 XIII. 谷歌(Google)地图 XIV. 社交媒体链接 XV. 您的权利

I. 数据控制方名称和地址


维特根集团(WIRTGEN GROUP,以下称为“我们”、“本集团” 或 “维特根集团”)
约翰迪尔有限两合公司分公司(Branch of John Deere GmbH & Co. KG)
地址:德国维特哈根(Windhagen)Reinhard-Wirtgen- Straße 2,
邮编 53578, 德国 (Deutschland)
电话:+49(0)2645-131 0
电子邮件: info@wirtgen-group.com
网站: https://www.wirtgen-group.com

II. 数据保护专员的联系方式


数据保护专员 (Der Datenschutzbeauftragte)
地址:德国维特哈根(Windhagen)Reinhard-Wirtgen-Straße 2,
邮编53578, 德国 (Deutschland)
电子邮件: datenschutz@wirtgen-group.com

III. 有关数据处理的一般信息



IV. 提供网站服务及创建日志文件


  • (1) 您的电脑浏览器类型和使用版本
  • (2) 您的电脑操作系统
  • (3) 您的IP地址
  • (4) 您访问的日期和时间
  • (5) 您的系统访问我们网站之前访问过的网站
  • (6) 检索到的文件名或URL
  • (7) 传输的数据量
  • (8) Http状态码(例如“请求成功”或“找不到请求的文件”),请求方法(例如“ GET”或“ POST”)和版本(例如“ HTTP / 2.0”或“ HTTP / 1.1”)


我们使用该数据来保护我们的信息技术系统。在这种情况下,该数据不会用于营销目的。临时存储数据和日志文件以《欧盟通用数据保护条例》(以下简称为“条例”)第6条第1款 f项为法律依据。



V. 字体“ Avenir”

我们的网站使用蒙纳公司(Monotype GmbH:地址Horexstrasse 30,61352 Bad Homburg;柏林分公司:地址Bergmannstrasse 102,10961 Berlin)提供的“ Avenir”字体,以确保网站在不同的终端设备和浏览器上具有同样的显示效果。


VI. Cookies的使用


在以下第 1节(“强制性或必要的Cookies”)、第 2节(“功能性Cookies”)和第 3节(“目标性Cookies或营销性Cookies”)中, 我们将详细说明我们使用的Cookies类型及其分别处理的数据。





1. 强制性或必要的Cookies




2. 功能性Cookies



  • Adobe提供的互联网分析服务(Adobe Analytics)。Adobe Analytics用于收集您使用在线服务的有关信息,所生成的数据将被传输并存储在美国的Adobe服务器。更多信息请您参见 Adobe 网站



3. 目标性或营销性Cookies

4. Cookies的管理


Cookies Preferences

VII. 表格和电子邮件联系方式

我们使用 Silverstripe 创建表单。您发送的数据将在我们的服务器上存储 7 天,然后被删除。




如果您通过我们提供的电子邮件地址与我们联系,我们会处理与您的电子邮件一起发送的个人数据(例如电子邮件地址、姓、 名 和其他自愿提供的信息)。

我们处理您的数据以条例第6条第1款f项为法律依据,因为能够回复您的消息符合我们的合法利益。若表格或电子邮件联系方式涉及合同的订立或执行,数据的处理另外以条例第6条第1款b项为法律依据。若处理个人数据对于履行我们应承担的法律义务是必要的,则以条例第6条第2款 c项为法律依据。






  • (1) 发送日期和时间


VIII. 托管和基础设施提供商

我们通过租用Microsoft Azure提供的服务器来运行本网站并提供服务。该服务器具有各种认证,包括ISO 27001。该服务器由Microsoft Corporation(地址:美国华盛顿州雷蒙德市One Microsoft Way,邮编98052)运营。


数据保护声明: https://privacy.microsoft.com/de-de/privacystatement

IX. 电子邮报


  • 电子邮件
  • 公司

为了处理您的数据,我们需要征得您的同意。您可以在注册时通过勾选相应选项声明同意。法律依据为条例第6条第1款 a项。注册后,您将收到一封电子邮件,要求您确认注册。为了防止他人冒用电子邮件地址注册,您的确认是必要的。

我们还需要通过处理数据来发送您订阅的电子邮报,因此以条例第6条第1款 b项和f项作为法律依据。





X. 在线求职






  • (1) 姓与名*
  • (2) 生日日期
  • (3) 电子邮件地址*
  • (4) 密码*
  • (5) 用户语言
  • (6) 地址
  • (7) 联系电话
  • (8) 您的LinkedIn和Xing的配置文件URL
  • (9) 出生地
  • (10) 成年人信息*以及未成年人的父母姓名


因此在您发送数据之前,我们请您同意我们处理数据,并参考此数据保护声明。只有征得您的同意我们才能处理您的数据。法律依据为条例第6条第1款 a项。



XI. 合规热线

1. 合规热线用于什么目的?

2. 我们基于哪些法律依据处理您的数据?

  • 我们通过处理数据识别违规行为和犯罪行为(如反腐)的法律根据为《欧盟通用数据保护条例》第6条第1款c项和f项、《联邦数据保护法》第4款第1节第3点。
  • 在履行雇佣关系以及调查犯罪行为的范围内,我们通过合规热线维护我们的合法权益,请参阅《《联邦数据保护法》第26条。
  • 在满足《欧盟通用数据保护条例》第88条第1款和《联邦数据保护法》第26条第1款第2节规定的条件下,允许通过举报人制度对员工数据进行收集、处理和使用。

3. 谁参与处理您的数据?

  • 约翰迪尔有限两合公司分公司维特根集团(WIRTGEN GROUP),地址:德国温德哈根(Windhagen)Reinhard-Wirtgen-Straße 2,邮编53578
  • 迪尔公司(Deere&Company),地址:美国伊利诺伊州莫林(Moline)One Jonhn Deere Place,邮编IL 61265
  • NAVEX Global公司(举报热线服务提供商),地址:美国俄勒冈州奥斯威戈湖(Lake Oswego)5500 Meadows Road,Suite 500,邮编OR 97035


  • 内部部门如企业领导和法律合规部门
  • 执法和行政机关、法院和律师。
  • 为了调查您的请求,有关信息包括您的个人数据可能会出于上述目的披露给维特根集团旗下的其他公司、技术和法律专家或翻译人员。

4. 数据是否被传输到第三国?

5. 必须或可以提供哪些数据以及对此产生何种后果?

XII. RSS(简易信息聚合)摘要


XIII. 谷歌(Google)地图

我们在此页面上使用美国谷歌公司(地址:美国加州1600 Amphitheatre Parkway,Mountain View,邮编94043)提供的谷歌地图服务,以便在网站上为您直接显示交互式地图,使您可以方便地使用地图功能。



  • IP地址
  • 请求日期和时间
  • 与格林威治标准时间(GMT)的时区差异
  • 请求内容(特定页面)
  • 访问状态/ HTTP状态码
  • 每次传输的数据量
  • 请求之前访问的网站
  • 浏览器
  • 操作系统和其界面
  • 浏览器软件的语言和版本



从插件提供商的数据保护声明中,您可以获得更多有关数据收集以及提供商处理该数据的目的和范围的信息。关于您的隐私保护权利和设置选项的更多信息,您可以参见: http://www.google.de/intl/de/policies/privacy .

谷歌还会在美国处理您的个人数据,并遵守欧盟-美国隐私盾政策: https://www.privacyshield.gov/EU-US-Framework .

XIV. 社交媒体链接


更多详细信息,请您参见社交媒体页面各自的数据保护声明以及平台运营商提供的信息(YouTube: https://policies.google.com/privacy?hl=de ; Twitter: https://help.twitter.com/de/twitter-for-websites-ads-info-and-privacy )

XV. 您的权利


1. 撤回符合数据保护法规定的同意声明的权利(条例第7条第3款)

2. 知情权(条例第15条,《联邦数据保护法》第34条)

  • 我们处理该数据的目的;
  • 我们处理个人数据的类别;
  • 该个人数据已经或将要向谁披露,特别当第三国或国际组织作为披露对象时;
  • 如果可能,个人数据的计划存储时间;或者,如果不可能,存储时间的制定标准;
  • 更正或删除与您有关的个人数据、或限制和/或反对我们对之处理的权利;
  • 向监督机构提出投诉的权利;
  • 若该个人数据非从您收集,有关该数据来源的所有可用信息;
  • 是否根据条例第22条第1款和第4款进行自动决策(包括概要分析),若有,有关所涉及逻辑的有意义信息以及此类处理对您的影响范围和预期后果。


3. 勘误权(条例第16条, 《联邦数据保护法》第35条)

4. 删除权或“被遗忘权”(条例第17条,《联邦数据保护法》第35条)

  • 该数据对于收集或处理数据的目的已无必要;
  • 您撤回处理所基于的同意声明,并且该处理没有其他法律依据
  • 您根据您的特别情况按照条例第21条第1款对处理提出反对,并且该处理没有优先 的合法理由;
  • 您根据条例第21条第2款对以直接广告为目的的处理提出反对;
  • 数据被非法处理;
  • 为履行欧洲或德国法律的法定义务,必须删除数据;
  • 该数据的收集涉及条例第8条第1款对提供信息社会服务的规定


5. 限制处理权(条例第18条)

  • 您质疑数据的准确性,而且在我们可以验证数据准确性期间;
  • 数据被非法处理,您拒绝删除您的个人数据,而是要求限制数据的使用;
  • 数据对于我们的处理目的不再必要,但您需要将数据用于主张、行使或捍卫法律主张,或者
  • 您根据您的特别情况按照条例第21条第1款对处理提出反对,并且在未确定我们处理的合法理由是否超越您的利益期间。



6. 通知义务(条例第19条)


7. 数据传输权(条例第20条)

  • 数据的处理基于您的同意或合同,并且
  • 数据的处理使用自动化程序


8. 在包括概要分析的个别情况下自动决策(条例第22条)

9. 异议权(条例第21条)




10. 向监管机构投诉的权利(条例第77条)




Branch of John Deere GmbH & Co. KG
Reinhard-Wirtgen-Strasse 2
53578 Windhagen
Phone: +49 (0) 26 45 - 131 - 0
Email: info@wirtgen-group.com
Internet: www.wirtgen-group.com

您也可随时联系 WIRTGEN GROUP 数据保护官。欢迎发送邮件至 : datenschutz@wirtgen-group.com



1. 为业务运营提供支持
2. 保护和刑事诉讼

用户名、名字、姓氏、邮箱地址、日志数据、IP 地址、基本 cookies


  • 1. 通用数据保护条例 (GDPR) 第 6(1)(b) 条 合同
  • 2. 通用数据保护条例 (GDPR) 第 6(1)(f) 条
    • 监控、维护和改善我们的 IT 环境以及用户使用的应用程序和我们用于管理服务的应用程序
    • 如有必要,我们将处理个人数据,以防止犯罪行为或对欺诈等犯罪行为采取法律行动,或针对此类行为行使或捍卫我们的合法权益。


  • WIRTGEN GROUP 门户中有关应用程序使用的日志数据:不超过 12 个月。
    此类数据最迟将在 12 个月的保留期到期后进行匿名化处理。
  • WIRTGEN GROUP 中有关内部项目的日志数据:90 天
  • 用户名:只要用户是活跃的或仍然相关的,就可以通过 leave 流程删除

WIRTGEN GROUP 门户以及日志文件生成规定


(1) 您的电脑浏览器类型和使用版本
(2) 您使用的操作系统
(3) 您的 IP 地址
(4) 用户名
(5) 您访问的日期和时间
(6) 访问的文件名或使用的 URLs
(7) 引用来源 (您的系统访问我们网站之前访问过的网站)
(8) HTTP 状态码(例如:“请求成功”或“文件未找到”)

我们利用这些数据来保护我们的 IT 系统。本文中的数据不会用于营销目的。临时存储这些数据和日志文件的法律依据是《通用数据保护条例》(以下简称 “GDPR”)第 6 条第 1 款 f 项。

Cookies 的使用

我们的网站使用 cookies。Cookies 是指保存于您的网络浏览器中或由您的网络浏览器保存于您计算机系统的文本文件。当您访问我们的网站时,cookies 可能会存储在您的系统中。它包含一个唯一的字符串,可用于在下次访问网站时识别您的浏览器。
除非以下信息指定了保留期限,否则无论 cookies 的类型和用途如何,保存期限均适用于上述保留期限规定:
除非以下通知指定了保留期限,否则无论 cookies 的类型和用途如何,保存期限均适用于上述保留期限规定:
您对 cookies 的使用拥有完全的控制权。Cookies 存储在您的电脑中,其包含的数据会传输到我们的网站。大多数浏览器默认设置为接受 cookies,但通过更改浏览器设置,您可以禁用或限制 cookies 的传输。任何已经保存的 cookies 都可以随时删除。这也可以通过适当设置浏览器来实现自动删除。如果您决定停用我们网站的所有 cookies,您可能会无法再完全使用网站的所有功能。

基本 cookies

基本 cookies 是在线服务正常运行所必需的 cookies,其用途包括:执行在线服务、保存先前操作(例如:登录次数)、保证在线服务的安全并管理在线服务(例如:预防欺诈)。如果没有这些 cookies,在线服务便不能正常运行,这将导致 WIRTGEN GROUP 无法提供某些服务。
使用基本 cookies 处理个人数据的法律依据是 GDPR 第 6 条第 1 款 f 项。基本 cookies 收集的数据不会被用于创建用户个人资料。
如果您设置浏览器禁用这些 cookies,我们的网站将无法识别您的浏览器,并且可能会发生某些内容无法访问或数据(例如:输入掩码或表单)丢失的情况。
我们使用的基本 cookies 属于“会话 cookies”,在会话结束时会被自动删除。


在公司内部,您个人数据的接收者是负责处理相关数据的专业部门。 同时,我们将某些信息的处理工作分配给外部服务提供商。我们已与这些服务提供商签订协议,可确保您的个人数据隐私始终得到保护。如上述服务提供商在第三国处理您的个人数据,他们有义务根据《通用数据保护条例》第45条和第46条保持适当的隐私标准,即:欧盟委员会作出充分性认定或可提供其他适当的保障措施(如个人数据传输的标准合同规定)。


我们希望告知您关于您个人数据处理方面的权力。如果您对这些权力有任何疑问,或希望在我们公司维护您的权力,请通过 datenschutz@wirtgen-group.com 或上述邮寄地址(添加数据保护官)联系我们的数据保护官。

同意书撤回权(GDPR 第7(3)条)


访问权(GDPR 第 15 条)

您有权确认您的个人数据是否正在被处理。如您的个人数据正在被处理,则您有权访问这些个人数据。如果个人数据被转移到第三国或国际组织,您有权获知恰当的保障措施,以确保接收者履行 GDPR 相关规定。

纠正权(GDPR 第 16 条)


擦除权,即“被遗忘权”(GDPR 第 17 条)


  • 就收集或以其他方式处理个人数据的目的而言,该个人数据已经不再必要;
  • 您撤回同意,并且没有其他数据处理的法律依据;
  • 您根据 GDPR 第 21 (1) 条反对处理,并且没有有关数据处理的首要合法依据;
  • 您根据 GDPR 第21 (2) 条反对以直接营销为目的进行的数据处理;
  • 个人数据被非法处理;
  • 为了遵守欧盟或德国法律的法律义务,个人数据必须被删除;
  • 个人数据的收集与 GDPR 第 8 (1) 条所述的直接向儿童提供信息社会服务有关。


限制处理权(GDPR 第 18 条)

根据 GDPR 第 18 条,如有下列情况之一,您将有权限制我们处理数据:

  • 您对个人数据的准确性提出争议,并要求我们在一定期限内核实个人数据的准确性;
  • 该数据处理是非法的,并且您反对删除该个人数据,而是要求限制使用该个人数据;
  • 基于处理目的,我们不再需要该个人数据,但您为设立、行使或捍卫合法权利而需要该数据;
  • 在核实我们的法律依据是否高于您的合法权益之前,您已根据 GDPR 第 21条第 1 款第 2 段对处理提出反对。


通知义务(GDPR 第 19 条)


数据可携带权(GDPR 第 20 条)


拒绝权(GDPR 第 21 条)

如果我们基于合法权益(GDPR 第 6(1)(f) 条)处理您的数据,您有权基于与您的特定情况相关的理由对此提出反对。这也适用于基于此规定的资料收集。在这种情况下,我们将不再处理您的数据,除非我们能够证明有关数据处理的强制性法律依据优于您的利益、权力和自由,或者为了设立、行使或捍卫合法权力。

向监管机构提起申诉的权力(GDPR 第 77 条)

如果您认为对您个人数据的处理违反了 GDPR 的规定,您有权向监管机构进行申诉,这尤其适用于以下地点的监管机构:您的经常居住地、工作地点或涉嫌侵权行为发生地点的欧盟成员国。这并不影响您有权享有的任何其他行政或司法救济。


在我们的一般商业活动中,根据我们隐私政策处理个人数据的更多信息可点击此处查看。 here .

2023 年 6 月

California Consumer Privacy Statement

Effective Date: January 1, 2020

In addition to your rights in the Enterprise Privacy Statement , California law provides for additional rights for California consumers. You have the right to request a description of the categories and specific pieces of Personal Information about you we have collected and the categories of Personal Information about you that we may disclose for a business purpose to third parties, along with a description of the categories of third parties that may receive that Personal Information. We do not sell your Personal Information.
You also have the right to request that we delete Personal Information about you that we have collected from you. Personal Information that is needed to complete a transaction, provide goods or services you requested, perform our contract(s) with you, or that was reasonably anticipated within the context of our ongoing business relationship with you, or that we can otherwise retain under applicable law, may not be deleted. The Personal Information we collect, use and share is further explained in our Enterprise Privacy Statement .
You may exercise these rights by calling us at 1-844-972-2272 (CCPA), through our request form here or by mailing your request to Privacy Manager, Center for Global Business Conduct, Deere & Company, One John Deere Place, Moline, Illinois 61265-8089. We will ask you to verify your identity to fulfill these requests.

If you wish to use an authorized agent to submit a request, we will need to verify the authorized agent by confirming that the original requestor has given written permission. We may deny a request from an agent that does not submit proof that they have been authorized by the consumer to act on their behalf.

Please be advised that any California consumer that exercises a right under the California Consumer Privacy Act will not be treated differently or discriminated against for exercising these rights.

This notice is not an agreement. This notice may be amended by us from time to time by updating this notice.


维特根集团(以下简称“我们”“WIRTGEN”)为约翰迪尔公司(John Deere GmbH & Co. KG)旗下的分公司。我们遵守欧盟《通用数据保护条例》(以下简称“GDPR”)的要求和其它管理个人数据保护的法律要求。特别是,我们按照现行安全标准实施技术和组织保密措施。

隐私信息保护适用于我们培训课程的参加者和在课程提供过程中处理其数据的其他方。如您为其他学员或个人预订培训课程,请务必向他们提供以下隐私信息保护。关于向WIRTGEN 集团提供的数据(例如:参加培训者的联系信息)和作为WIRTGEN 集团公司相关控制者处理的数据,集体谈判协议、雇佣合同条款、合法权益或同意声明可以作为适当的法律依据。在我们与您联系或处理您的数据的其它情况时,我们可能会向您提供额外的隐私信息保护,您也应注意这些信息。



Reinhard-Wirtgen-Straße 2
53578 Windhagen
电话:+49 (0) 2645 131 – 0
传真:+49 (0) 2645 131 – 392
邮箱: info@wirtgen-group.com
官网: www.wirtgen-group.com

您也可以在任何时候联系WIRTGEN 集团的数据保护官。最好的方法是发送电子邮件到 datenschutz@wirtgen-group.com





  • 1. 维特根集团全球培训课程的组织、管理和实施
  • 2. 对参与者进行培训
  • 3. 跟踪培训水平(技能、职业概况)并出具报告和证书

类别: 姓名、电子邮箱、照片(可选)、职称、电话号码、所属国家、使用语言、日志数据(IP地址、时间戳、日期)


  • 1. 《GDPR》第6(1)(a)条-
  • 2. 《GDPR》第6(1)(b)条-
  • 3. 《GDPR》第6(1)(c)条-
  • 4. 《GDPR》第6(1)(f)条-
  • 5. 《德国联邦数据保护法》第26条-

接收者: WIRTGEN集团下属公司,IMC AG (学习套件), VITERO(网络会议和在线学习),Microsoft(协同软件:Teams)

保存期限: 我们存储您的数据的期限为5年



在我们提供的培训范围内,我们一般会处理联系人和培训参与加者的联系信息,如:职称、姓名、电话、照片(可选)、IP地址(网络学习平台)、电子邮件等,以及与参加培训相关的内容和技能水平等 数据(如:培训结果、报告、证书),以及其他相关数据(如:培训日期、酒店预订要求)。



Cookies 的使用


一个cookie 停留在您设备上的时间长短取决于该cookie 的类型。我们的网站上使用两种类型的 cookies。即:会话 cookies和持久cookies. 会话cookies是临时的,仅在您使用该网站时保存(或者,更准确地说,仅在您在使用该网站后到您关闭浏览器这个时间段保存)。会话 cookies 帮助我们的网站记住您在上一页的选择,而无需您重新输入信息。而持久 cookies 即使在您访问了我们的网站后,仍将保留在您的设备上。持久 cookies 帮助我们识别您为唯一的访问者,但不包含可用于向他人识别您的信息。








a) 数据主体的同意书(GDPR第7条,第6(1)(a)条)

b) 为了履行合同(GDPR第6(1)(b)条)

c) 遵守法律义务(GDPR第6(1)(c)条)

d) 为了我们的合法权益(GDPR第6(1)(f)条)



  • WIRTGEN集团内的某些集团公司,例如:为集团内的附属公司集中执行数据处理任务的公司。此外,我们也可能出于公司治理、内部沟通或其它行政目的,在我们的合法权益的基础上,与其他关联公司共享信息。
  • 德国政府机构、法院或其他公共机构,如有必要。
  • IT服务提供商和仅针对特定目的其他处理者,如:存储网站、云服务、文档销毁、归档等。
  • 为进行培训或安排配套服务而向其转移资料的其他服务提供者及辅助人员(例如:酒店等 )。




我们希望告知您关于您个人数据处理方面的权利。如果您对这些权利有任何疑问,或希望在我们公司维护您的权利,请通过 datenschutz@wirtgen-group.com 或上述邮寄地址(添加“数据保护官”)联系我们的数据保护官。





  • 个人数据对于实现其被收集或处理的相关目的不再必要时;
  • 您撤回了同意书并且没有其它法律处理依据;
  • 您反对根据GDPR第21(1)条进行的处理,且该处理没有超越压倒一切的合法理由;
  • 您反对根据GDPR第21(2)条以直接营销为目的进行的处理;
  • 个人数据已被非法处理;
  • 为了遵守欧盟或德国法律的法律义务,个人数据必须被删除;
  • 个人数据的收集与《GDPR》第8(1)条所述的直接向儿童提供信息社会服务有关。



  • 您对个人数据的准确性提出质疑,并要求我们在一定期限内核实个人数据的准确性;
  • 该处理是非法的,并且您反对删除该个人数据,同时要求限制使用该个人数据;
  • 基于该处理目的,我们不再需要该个人数据,但数据主体为设立、行使或捍卫合法权利而需要该个人数据;
  • 在核实我们的合法理由是否高于您的权益之前,您反对根据GDPR第21(1)条进行处理。

当处理受到限制时,我们只被 授权存储该数据。在这种情况下,只有得到您的同意,或为设立、行使或捍卫合法权利、保护另一个自然或法人的权利,或出于欧盟或欧盟成员国重大公共利益的原因,才允许进一步处理。您可以在任何时候撤回您的同意。我们会在处理限制解除前通知您。







Version 1.3 (2021)

Social media profiles

I. Controller name and address

The controller within the meaning of the European Union’s General Data Protection Regulation is:

WIRTGEN GROUP (hereinafter referred to as: ‘we’ or ‘Wirtgen Group’)
Branch of John Deere GmbH & Co. KG
Reinhard-Wirtgen-Straße 2
53578 Windhagen, Germany
Phone: +49 (0) 2645-131 0
Fax: +49 (0) 2645-131 392
Email: info@wirtgen-group.com
Website: https://www.wirtgen-group.com

II. Contact details of the data protection officer

You can contact our data protection officer at:

Data Protection Officer
c/o WIRTGEN GROUP Branch of John Deere GmbH & Co. KG
Reinhard-Wirtgen-Strasse 2
53578 Windhagen, Germany
Email: datenschutz@wirtgen-group.com

III. Data processing by Wirtgen

We maintain online profiles on social networks and process user data in this context in order to communicate with users who are active on these platforms or to provide information about our company. If you have an account on one of the networks listed below, are logged in and choose to follow our page, you will be visible to us as a follower. As a result, we will process the personal data contained in your profile name and profile picture.

We process the same data when you like, comment on or share a post of ours, even if you do not follow our page.

Furthermore, we process the same data if you send us a message via the messaging feature. In this context, we additionally process the data that you voluntarily provide to us in your messages.

In addition, we receive anonymised statistical data about the users of these pages through features such as ‘Facebook Insights,’ a service provided by Facebook that you cannot opt out of. This data is collected with the help of cookies that Facebook saves on your system. These cookies each contain a unique user code that may also be linked to your profile on the platform. Such tools are also used by other social networks.

This data is processed on the basis of our legitimate interests pursuant to Article 6(1)(f) of the GDPR.

We do not perform any further analysis of your data beyond the aforementioned. We store your data as long as you follow our page. If you stop following our page, we will no longer process your data.

IV. Data processing by the operators of the social networks

We would like to expressly inform you that user data may be processed outside the territory of the European Union. This may result in privacy risks for users as data subjects that could, for example, make it more difficult to enforce the rights of data subjects.

Furthermore, user data on social networks is usually processed by the platform operators for market research and advertising purposes. For example, they may create usage profiles based on user behaviour and the resulting interests of the users. These usage profiles can, in turn, be used, for example, to serve adverts to users within and outside the networks that presumably correspond to the users’ interests. Cookies are usually saved on the users’ computers for these purposes, which are then used to store the user’s usage behaviour and interests. Furthermore, data may also be stored in the usage profiles regardless of the devices used by the users (especially if the users are members of the respective platforms and are logged in to them).

For a detailed explanation of the respective forms of processing and the options to opt out, please refer to the privacy statements and information provided by the operators of the respective networks.

In addition, in the case of requests for information and to exercise your rights as a data subject, we would like to point out that the most effective way to exercise these rights is to contact the providers directly. Only the providers have access to their users’ data and can take appropriate measures and provide information directly. If you still need help, feel free to contact us, however.

  • Types of data processed: Personal data (e.g., names, addresses), contact data (e.g., email addresses, telephone numbers), content data (e.g., data entered into online forms), usage data (e.g., websites visited, interest in content, access times), metadata/communication data (e.g., device information, IP addresses)
  • Data subjects: Users (e.g., website visitors, users of online services)
  • Purpose of processing: Contact requests and communication, tracking (e.g., interest/behavioural profiling, use of cookies), remarketing, audience measurement (e.g., access statistics, detection of returning visitors)
  • Legal basis: Legitimate interests (Article 6(1)(f) of the GDPR)

Services used and service providers:

V. Your rights in connection with the data collected by Wirtgen

Below we would like to provide a summary of your rights under the General Data Protection Regulation.

1. Right to withdraw consent under applicable privacy law (Article 7(3) of the GDPR)
You have the right to withdraw consent granted under applicable privacy law at any time. Please note that withdrawing your consent does not affect the lawfulness of processing on the basis of your consent before its withdrawal. You will be informed of this right before you grant your consent.

2. Right of access (Article 15 of the GDPR)
Under Article 15 of the GDPR, you have the right to request confirmation from us as to whether we are processing personal data concerning you. Where this is the case, you have a right of access to this personal data and to the following information:

  • The purposes for which we are processing this data;
  • The categories of personal data that we process;
  • The recipients to whom this personal data has been or will be disclosed, in particular if this applies to recipients in third countries or international organisations;
  • Where possible, the envisaged period for which the personal data will be stored, or, if not possible, the criteria used to determine that period;
  • The existence of the right to request the rectification or erasure of personal data concerning you or the restriction of processing of personal data concerning you, or to object to such processing;
  • The right to lodge a complaint with a supervisory authority;
  • Where the personal data was not collected from you, any available information as to its source;
  • The existence of automated decision-making, including profiling, referred to in Article 22(1) and (4) of the GDPR and, at least in those cases, meaningful information about the logic involved, as well as the significance and the envisaged consequences of such processing for you.

If personal data is transferred to a third country or to an international organisation, you also have the right to information about the appropriate safeguards in place to ensure that these recipients also comply with the provisions of the GDPR.

3. Right to rectification (Article 16 of the GDPR)
You have the right to obtain from us without undue delay the rectification of inaccurate personal data. Taking into account the purposes of the processing, you also have the right to have incomplete personal data completed, including by means of providing a supplementary statement.

4. Right to erasure, i.e., the ‘right to be forgotten’ (Article 17 of the GDPR)
You have the right to obtain the erasure of your personal data without undue delay where one of the following grounds applies:

  • The data is no longer necessary in relation to the purposes for which it was collected or otherwise processed;
  • You withdraw consent on which the processing is based and there is no other legal ground for the processing;
  • You object to the processing on grounds relating to your particular situation in accordance with Article 21(1) of the GDPR and there are no overriding legitimate grounds for the processing;
  • You object to processing for direct marketing purposes in accordance with Article 21(2) of the GDPR;
  • The personal data has been processed unlawfully;
  • The personal data has to be erased to comply with a legal obligation under European Union or German law;
  • The data was collected in relation to the offer of information society services referred to in Article 8(1) of the GDPR.

If we have made your personal data public and are obligated to erase the data, we will, taking account of available technology and the cost of implementation, take reasonable steps, including technical measures, to inform controllers that you have requested the erasure of such personal data.

5. Right to restriction of processing (Article 18 of the GDPR)
Pursuant to Article 18 of the GDPR, you have the right to obtain from us the restriction of processing where one of the following applies:

  • You contest the accuracy of the personal data, for a period that allows us to verify the accuracy of the personal data;
  • The processing is unlawful and you oppose the erasure of the personal data and request the restriction of its use instead;
  • We no longer need the personal data for the purposes of the processing, but you require the data for the establishment, exercise, or defence of legal claims; or
  • You have objected to processing on grounds relating to your particular situation pursuant to Article 21(1) of the GDPR pending the verification of whether our legitimate grounds override your interests.

Where processing has been restricted, we are only authorised to store this data. Any further processing is then only permitted with your consent or for the establishment, exercise, or defence of legal claims or to protect the rights of another natural or legal person or for reasons of important public interest of the European Union or a Member State.
You can withdraw your consent granted in this context at any time.
We will inform you before the restriction of processing is lifted.

6. Notification obligation (Article 19 of the GDPR)
We are obligated to communicate any rectification or erasure of personal data or restriction of processing to each recipient to whom your personal data has been disclosed, unless this proves impossible or involves disproportionate effort. We will inform you about these recipients if you request it.

7. Right to data portability (Article 20 of the GDPR)
You have the right to receive the personal data concerning you that you have provided to us in a structured, commonly used and machine-readable format. You also have the right to have us transfer this data to a third party, provided that:

  • The processing of the data is based on your consent or on a contract, and
  • The processing is carried out by automated means.

In this context, you can instruct us to transfer your personal data directly to the third party, insofar as doing so is technically feasible and does not affect the rights and freedoms of others.

8. Automated individual decision-making, including profiling (Article 22 of the GDPR)
We do not process your personal data in any way that is based solely on automated processing, including profiling.

9. Right to object (Article 21 of the GDPR)
If we process your data on the basis of a legitimate interest (Art. 6(1)(f) of the GDPR), you have the right to object to this on grounds relating to your particular situation. This also applies to profiling based on this provision. In this case, we will no longer process your data unless we can demonstrate compelling legitimate grounds for the processing. These must override your interests, rights and freedoms or the processing must serve the establishment, exercise, or defence of legal claims.
If we process your personal data for direct marketing purposes, you have the right to object, at any time, to the processing of your personal data for the purpose of such marketing; this also applies to profiling insofar as it is conducted in conjunction with such direct marketing.
If you object to the processing of your personal data for direct marketing purposes, we will cease to process your personal data for this purpose.
You can object to such processing by simply sending a brief message to the contact details of the data protection officer listed above.

10. Right to lodge a complaint with a supervisory authority (Article 77 of the GDPR)
You have the right to lodge a complaint with a supervisory authority, in particular in the EU member state of your habitual residence, place of work or place of the alleged infringement, if you consider that the processing of your personal data violates the provisions of the GDPR. This does not affect any other administrative or judicial remedies to which you may be entitled.

Privacy Policy for Photography and Recording Videos at Trade Shows

1. Name and Contact Details of the Controller and Privacy Officer 2. Purpose and Legal Basis of Data Processing 3. Recipients and Data Processing in Third Countries 4. Posting on Social Networks 5. Duration of Storage 6. Your Rights as a Data Subject

As part of our activities at trade shows, the WIRTGEN GROUP produces photos and videos for visual documentation and communications. Since we cannot completely rule out the possibility that it may be possible to identify you directly or indirectly in such photos or videos, these photos and videos represent personal data within the terms of the European Union’s General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).

As such, we would like to provide you with the following information about how your personal data is processed in connection with photos/videos shot at our trade show booth and about your rights as a data subject.

We may provide you with further privacy policies in other situations in which we contact you or process your data, and you should also take note of these.

1. Name and Contact Details of the Controller and Privacy Officer

WIRTGEN International GmbH (hereinafter referred to as “we” or the “WIRTGEN GROUP”)
Reinhard-Wirtgen-Strasse 2
53578 Windhagen
Phone: +49-26-45-131-0
Fax: +49-26-45-131-392
E-mail: info@wirtgen-group.com
Website: www.wirtgen-group.com
Legal Information: www.wirtgen-group.com/de/service/impressum/

You can contact our privacy officer by e-mail at international.datenschutz@wirtgen-group.com or by postal mail by adding “The Privacy Officer” to our mailing address.

2. Purpose and Legal Basis of Data Processing

Taking photographs and recording videos of our trade show booth and activities for PR and advertising purposes may also involve the processing and publication of your personal data, in particular photos and videos of you.

We generally only take portraits or close-ups of you if you have given us or the photographer we have hired your consent to do so, which can also take the form of behaving in a manner that clearly expresses such consent (e.g. smiling into the camera). In this respect, the legal basis is normally your consent (Article 6(1)(a) of the GDPR), whereby in individual cases such photos can also be taken on the basis of our legitimate interests in documenting our events and carrying out associated public relations activities (Article 6(1)(f) of the GDPR). You can withdraw your consent at any time without specifying any reasons (the withdrawal of consent does not affect the lawfulness of processing based on consent before its withdrawal, however) or object to the associated processing (see section 6 below).

In addition, we also take photos that provide an overview of our booth as well as group photos that do not include a portrait or close-up of any specific individual. Doing so is primarily based on our legitimate interest in documenting our events and carrying out associated public relations activities (Article 6(1)(f) of the GDPR). If you have any issues with us taking such overview or group photographs that include your likeness, you may object to our doing so (see section 6 below). We will then review on an individual basis whether your legitimate interests as a data subject outweigh our interests. We will normally accept your objection – unless the WIRTGEN GROUP has overriding business interests – and remove the photographs in question that contain your likeness and not use them in the future.

The production of photos/videos is also generally not prohibited due to the fact that your ethnic background, religion, or health (e.g. skin color, headwear, glasses) may be discernible. Under no circumstances, however, do we process the photos/videos in order to specifically obtain such information. In particular, we will not perform any automated scans to find such information.

The WIRTGEN GROUP would like to point out that photos/videos posted on the Internet and in social networks can be accessed worldwide and found using search engines. As such, the possibility exists that the photographs and videos may be distributed and used by third parties that the WIRTGEN GROUP has no control over.

3. Recipients and Data Processing in Third Countries

We will only transfer your personal data to external third parties if this is necessary to protect our legitimate interests, if another legal basis exists, or if we have your consent to do so. External recipients may, in particular, include service providers (e.g. hosting providers or photo/video studios) or subsidiaries of the WIRTGEN GROUP or of Deere & Company, John Deere Place, Moline, Illinois, 61265, USA. We carefully select and regularly review all processors (e.g. photographers); they are only authorized to use the data for the specified purposes and in accordance with our instructions on the basis of a Data Processing Agreement pursuant to Article 28 of the GDPR.

If data is transferred to recipients whose registered office or location for data processing is not located in a member state of the European Union (EU) or in another nation party to the Agreement on the European Economic Area (EEA), we will ensure that, prior to the transfer, the recipient maintains an adequate level of privacy or you have granted your consent to the data transfer, except in exceptional cases permitted by law.

4. Posting on Social Networks

If photographs or videos are posted to the pages of the WIRTGEN GROUP and its affiliated companies on social networks, they may be transmitted to a country outside the EU/EEA, in particular to the United States. The social networks we use and their parent companies listed below are certified in accordance with the EU-U.S. Privacy Shield Agreement and are therefore obligated to comply with the provisions of the GDPR.

We do not have any control over the use of your data by these social networks, however. We can neither determine nor influence the extent to which, where, and for how long the data will be stored, to what extent any existing obligations to delete such data will be fulfilled, what analyses of the data will be conducted and links to the data will be created, and to whom the data will be transfered. Details about the providers of the social networks we use and about how they process data can be found in the following information:

In this context, please also note our supplementary privacy policies for our respective pages and fan sites on the aforementioned social networks.

5. Duration of Storage

We store your personal data for a period of 3 years.

We will delete your personal data prior to the end of this period if we are required to do so by law.

In the event of an objection, we will no longer process your personal data unless further processing is permitted or even mandatory according to the applicable legal provisions (e.g. within the framework of our obligations to retain data under commercial and tax law). We will normally accept your objection – unless the we have overriding business interests – and remove the photographs in question that contain your likeness and not use them in the future.

6. Your Rights as a Data Subject

You have numerous rights as a data subject, including but not limited to the following:

  • Right of access (Article 15 of the GDPR; Section 34 of Germany’s Federal Data Protection Act)
  • Right to rectification (Article 16 of the GDPR)
  • Right to erasure (Article 17 of the GDPR; Section 35 of Germany’s Federal Data Protection Act)
  • Right to restriction of processing (Article 18 of the GDPR)
  • Right to data portability (Article 20 of the GDPR)
  • Right to Object to Data Processing on the Basis of Legitimate Interests (Article 21 of the GDPR): You have the right to object, on grounds relating to your particular situation, at any time to processing of personal data concerning you which is based on our legitimate interests as defined in Article 6(1)(f) of the GDPR. If you make such an objection, we will cease to process your personal information unless we can demonstrate compelling legitimate grounds for the processing which override your interests, rights, and freedoms, or the processing is for the establishment, exercise, or defense of legal claims.

Furthermore, you have the right to withdraw your consent at any time. The withdrawal of consent does not affect the lawfulness of processing based on consent before its withdrawal (Article 7(3) of the GDPR).

Last but not least, you have the right to lodge a complaint with a supervisory authority (Article 77 of the GDPR).

To exercise any of the aforementioned rights, please contact us by e-mail at international.datenschutz@wirtgen-group.com or by postal mail at the address specified in section 1 above.

Updated: September 2022 (Subject to change without notice)

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