Streumaster | New generation of binding agent spreaders

The new models of the MC and TC series set benchmark standards when it comes to filling, material conveying, spreading accuracy and operator-friendliness

Designed and constructed as trailers or for mounting on a carrier vehicle, the binding agent spreaders all feature a high-speed filling device on both sides, self-cleaning dosing sluices and a new control panel, which guarantee outstanding spreading efficiency and exceptionally precise spreading results.

Fast filling and efficient material conveying

The two large filling connectors at the rear are standard fittings and allow silo trucks to drive up close to the machine to fill the container, even when space is limited or in moving traffic. This enables filling to be carried out conveniently from either side of the new binding agent spreaders. The new high-speed pneumatic filling device and new container design ensure that the filling process is quickly completed and that the binding agent is evenly distributed in the container. This enables the binding agent spreader to be filled with binding agent at a rate of up to 2 tonnes per minute per connector. An optional automatic filter system can also be fitted to enable dust-free filling. The integrated OptiPower chain conveyor drive with automatic load control fitted as a standard feature increases the tensile force on the conveyor chain whenever necessary.

Precise spreading results

Fully automatic volumetric dosing of the spreading quantity independent of the travel speed enables consistently reliable discharge of the binding agent. At the same time, the optional WeighTronic weighing device guarantees correct and precise discharge of the binding agent. Thanks to the continuous comparison of actual and target values during spreading, the spreading quantity is automatically readjusted in the event of a deviation from the required value. This almost completely eliminates the risk of operating errors. The self-cleaning dosing sluices in cellular wheel design are another highlight of the new binding agent spreaders. Thanks to a special housing with pressure and relief zones and flexible chambers, the dosing sluices are self-cleaning units. This guarantees consistently high efficiency of the spreading process and outstanding spreading accuracy. The spreading quantity can also be individually adjusted for each of the three partial spreading widths.

Simple handling and an innovative operating concept

With the new multifunctional control panel, Streumaster has now brought together all control elements in one single unit. This provides an ideal overview of all machine functions at all times and offers a customisable user interface with a split-screen function when using the camera/monitor system. Operators can set up and save individualised operating parameters and function keys on the user interface of the 12-inch touch screen display.

Precise tracking of spreading performance

The new generation of binding agent spreaders can be equipped with Wirtgen Performance Tracker - WPT. The system registers all relevant location-specific working parameters to provide a comprehensive database for the analysis and documentation of the construction site.

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Public Relations
Reinhard-Wirtgen-Straße 2
53578 Windhagen

SW 112 TC
Container capacity 12 m³
Empty weight
6’200 kg
Spread rate at 2 km / h (DN 230-10 spreading unit) 3 - 42 kg/m²
SW 218 TC
Container capacity 18 m³
Empty weight
8’400 kg
Spread rate at 2 km / h (DN 230-10 spreading unit) 3 - 42 kg/m²
SW 318 MC
Built-up empty weight
4’600 kg
Container capacity 18 m³
Spread rate at 2 km / h (DN 230-10 spreading unit) 3 - 42 kg/m²
SW 418 MC
Built-up empty weight
4’800 kg
Container capacity 18 m³
Spread rate at 2 km / h (DN 230-10 spreading unit) 3 - 42 l/m²
SW 422 MC
Built-up empty weight
5’000 kg
Container capacity 22 m³
Spread rate at 2 km / h (DN 230-10 spreading unit) 3 - 42 l/m²